Source code for engine.jwst

import os
import sys
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from copy import deepcopy 
from import fits
from pandeia.engine.instrument_factory import InstrumentFactory
from pandeia.engine.perform_calculation import perform_calculation
from . import create_input as create
from .compute_noise import ExtractSpec
import astropy.units as u
import pickle
from pandeia.engine.calc_utils import build_default_calc, build_default_source

#constant parameters.. consider putting these into json file 
#max groups in integration
max_ngroup = 65536.0 
#minimum number of integrations
min_nint_trans = 1

#refdata directory
default_refdata_directory = os.environ.get("pandeia_refdata")

[docs]def compute_full_sim(dictinput,verbose=False): """Top level function to set up exoplanet obs. for JW Function to set up explanet observations for JWST only and compute simulated spectrum. It uses STScI's Pandeia to compute instrument throughputs and WebbPSF to compute PSFs. Parameters ---------- dictinput : dict dictionary containing instrument parameters and exoplanet specific parameters. {"pandeia_input":dict1, "pandexo_input":dict1} verbose : bool (Optional) prints out check points throughout code Returns ------- dict large dictionary with 1d, 2d simualtions, timing info, instrument info, warnings Examples -------- >>> from .pandexo.engine.jwst import compute_full_sim >>> from .pandexo.engine.justplotit import jwst_1d_spec >>> a = compute_full_sim({"pandeia_input": pandeiadict, "pandexo_input":exodict}) >>> jwst_1d_spec(a) .. image:: 1d_spec.png Notes ----- It is much easier to run simulations through either **run_online** or **justdoit**. **justdoit** contains functions to create input dictionaries and **run_online** contains web forms to create input dictionaries. See Also -------- pandexo.engine.justdoit.run_pandexo : Best function for running pandexo runs pandexo.engine.run_online : Allows running functions through online interface """ pandeia_input = dictinput['pandeia_input'] pandexo_input = dictinput['pandexo_input'] #define the calculation we'll be doing if pandexo_input['planet']['w_unit'] == 'sec': calculation = 'phase_spec' else: calculation = pandexo_input['calculation'].lower() #which instrument instrument = pandeia_input['configuration']['instrument']['instrument'] conf = pandeia_input['configuration'] #if optimize is in the ngroups section, this will throw an error #so create temp conf with 2 groups if 'optimize' in str(conf['detector']['ngroup']): conf_temp = deepcopy(conf) conf_temp['detector']['ngroup'] = 2 else: conf_temp = conf i = InstrumentFactory(config=conf_temp) #detector parameters det_pars = i.read_detector_pars() fullwell = det_pars['fullwell'] rn = det_pars['rn'] mingroups = det_pars['mingroups'] #exposure parameters exp_pars = i.the_detector.exposure_spec tframe =exp_pars.tframe nframe = exp_pars.nframe nskip = exp_pars.nsample_skip sat_unit = pandexo_input['observation']['sat_unit'] if sat_unit =='%': sat_level = pandexo_input['observation']['sat_level']/100.0*fullwell elif sat_unit =='e': sat_level = pandexo_input['observation']['sat_level'] else: raise Exception("Saturation Level Needs Units: % fullwell or Electrons ") #parameteres needed from exo_input mag = pandexo_input['star']['mag'] noccultations = pandexo_input['observation']['noccultations'] R = pandexo_input['observation']['R'] noise_floor = pandexo_input['observation']['noise_floor'] #get stellar spectrum and in transit spec star_spec = create.outTrans(pandexo_input['star']) #get rstar if user calling from grid both_spec = create.bothTrans(star_spec, pandexo_input['planet'], star=pandexo_input['star']) out_spectrum = np.array([both_spec['wave'], both_spec['flux_out_trans']]) #get transit duration from phase curve or from input if calculation == 'phase_spec': transit_duration = max(both_spec['time']) - min(both_spec['time']) else: #convert to seconds, then remove quantity and convert back to float transit_duration = float((pandexo_input['planet']['transit_duration']*u.Unit(pandexo_input['planet']['td_unit'])).to(u.second)/u.second) #amount of exposure time out-of-occultation, as a fraction of in-occ time try: expfact_out = pandexo_input['observation']['fraction'] print("WARNING: key input fraction has been replaced with new 'baseline option'. See notebook example") pandexo_input['observation']['baseline'] = pandexo_input['observation']['fraction'] pandexo_input['observation']['baseline_unit'] ='frac' except: if pandexo_input['observation']['baseline_unit'] =='frac': expfact_out = pandexo_input['observation']['baseline'] elif pandexo_input['observation']['baseline_unit'] =='total': expfact_out = transit_duration/( pandexo_input['observation']['baseline'] - transit_duration) elif pandexo_input['observation']['baseline_unit'] =='total_hrs': expfact_out = transit_duration/( pandexo_input['observation']['baseline']*3600.0 - transit_duration) else: raise Exception("Wrong units for baseine: either 'frac' or 'total' or 'total_hrs' accepted") #add to pandeia input pandeia_input['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed']['spectrum'] = out_spectrum if isinstance(pandeia_input["configuration"]["detector"]["ngroup"], (float,int)): m = {"ngroup":int(pandeia_input["configuration"]["detector"]["ngroup"]), "tframe":tframe, "nframe":nframe,"mingroups":mingroups,"nskip":nskip} else: #run pandeia once to determine max exposure time per int and get exposure params if verbose: print("Optimization Reqested: Computing Duty Cycle") m = {"maxexptime_per_int":compute_maxexptime_per_int(pandeia_input, sat_level) , "tframe":tframe,"nframe":nframe,"mingroups":mingroups,"nskip":nskip} if verbose: print("Finished Duty Cycle Calc") #calculate all timing info timing, flags = compute_timing(m,transit_duration,expfact_out,noccultations) #Simulate out trans and in transit if verbose: print("Starting Out of Transit Simulation") out = perform_out(pandeia_input, pandexo_input,timing, both_spec) #extract extraction area before dict conversion extraction_area = out.extraction_area out = out.as_dict() out.pop('3d') if verbose: print("End out of Transit") #Remove effects of Quantum Yield from shot noise out = remove_QY(out, instrument) #this kind of redundant going to compute inn from out instead #keep perform_in but change inputs to (out, timing, both_spec) if verbose: print("Starting In Transit Simulation") inn = perform_in(pandeia_input, pandexo_input,timing, both_spec, out, calculation) if verbose: print("End In Transit") #compute warning flags for timing info warnings = add_warnings(out, timing, sat_level/fullwell, flags, instrument) compNoise = ExtractSpec(inn, out, rn, extraction_area, timing) #slope method is pandeia's pure noise calculation (taken from SNR) #contains correlated noise, RN, dark current, sky, #uses MULTIACCUM formula so we deviated from this. #could eventually come back to this if Pandeia adopts First-Last formula if calculation == 'slope method': #Extract relevant info from pandeia output (1d curves and wavelength) #extracted flux in units of electron/s w = out['1d']['extracted_flux'][0] result = compNoise.run_slope_method() #derives noise from 2d postage stamps. Doing this results in a higher #1d flux rate than the Pandeia gets from extracting its own. #this should be used to benchmark Pandeia's 1d extraction elif calculation == '2d extract': w = out['1d']['extracted_flux'][0] result = compNoise.run_2d_extract() #this is the noise calculation that PandExo uses online. It derives #its own calculation of readnoise and does not use MULTIACUMM #noise formula elif calculation == 'fml': w = out['1d']['extracted_flux'][0] result = compNoise.run_f_minus_l() elif calculation == 'phase_spec': result = compNoise.run_phase_spec() w = result['time'] else: result = None raise Exception('WARNING: Calculation method not found.') varin = result['var_in_1d'] varout = result['var_out_1d'] extracted_flux_out = result['photon_out_1d'] extracted_flux_inn = result['photon_in_1d'] #bin the data according to user input if R != None: wbin = bin_wave_to_R(w, R) photon_out_bin = uniform_tophat_sum(wbin, w,extracted_flux_out) photon_in_bin = uniform_tophat_sum(wbin,w, extracted_flux_inn) var_in_bin = uniform_tophat_sum(wbin, w,varin) var_out_bin = uniform_tophat_sum(wbin,w, varout) wbin = wbin[photon_out_bin > 0 ] photon_in_bin = photon_in_bin[photon_out_bin > 0 ] var_in_bin = var_in_bin[photon_out_bin > 0 ] var_out_bin = var_out_bin[photon_out_bin > 0 ] photon_out_bin = photon_out_bin[photon_out_bin>0] else: wbin = w photon_out_bin = extracted_flux_out wbin = wbin[photon_out_bin>0] photon_in_bin = extracted_flux_inn photon_in_bin = photon_in_bin[photon_out_bin>0] var_in_bin = varin var_in_bin = var_in_bin[photon_out_bin>0] var_out_bin = varout var_out_bin = var_out_bin[photon_out_bin>0] photon_out_bin = photon_out_bin[photon_out_bin>0] if calculation == 'phase_spec': to = (timing["APT: Num Groups per Integration"]-1)*tframe ti = (timing["APT: Num Groups per Integration"]-1)*tframe else: #otherwise error propagation and account for different #times in transit and out to = result['on_source_out'] ti = result['on_source_in'] var_tot = (to/ti/photon_out_bin)**2.0 * var_in_bin + (photon_in_bin*to/ti/photon_out_bin**2.0)**2.0 * var_out_bin error_spec = np.sqrt(var_tot) #factor in occultations to noise nocc = timing['Number of Transits'] error_spec = error_spec / np.sqrt(nocc) #Add in user specified noise floor error_spec_nfloor = add_noise_floor(noise_floor, wbin, error_spec) #add in random noise for the simulated spectrum np.random.seed() rand_noise= error_spec_nfloor*(np.random.randn(len(wbin))) raw_spec = (photon_out_bin/to-photon_in_bin/ti)/(photon_out_bin/to) sim_spec = raw_spec + rand_noise #if secondary tranist, multiply spectra by -1 if pandexo_input['planet']['f_unit'] == 'fp/f*': sim_spec = -1.0*sim_spec raw_spec = -1.0*raw_spec #package processed data finalspec = {'wave':wbin, 'spectrum': raw_spec, 'spectrum_w_rand':sim_spec, 'error_w_floor':error_spec_nfloor} rawstuff = { 'electrons_out':photon_out_bin*nocc, 'electrons_in':photon_in_bin*nocc, 'var_in':var_in_bin*nocc, 'var_out':var_out_bin*nocc, 'e_rate_out':photon_out_bin/to, 'e_rate_in':photon_in_bin/ti, 'wave':wbin, 'error_no_floor':error_spec, 'rn[out,in]':result['rn[out,in]'], 'bkg[out,in]':result['bkg[out,in]'] } result_dict = as_dict(out,both_spec ,finalspec, timing, mag, sat_level, warnings, pandexo_input['planet']['f_unit'], rawstuff,calculation) return result_dict
[docs]def compute_maxexptime_per_int(pandeia_input, sat_level): """Computes optimal maximum exposure time per integration Function to simulate 2d jwst image with 2 groups, 1 integration, 1 exposure and return the maximum time for one integration before saturation occurs. If saturation has already occured, returns maxexptime_per_int as np.nan. This then tells Pandexo to set min number of groups (ngroups =2). This avoids error if saturation occurs. This routine assumes that min ngroups is 2. Parameters ---------- pandeia_input : dict pandeia dictionary input sat_level : int or float user defined saturation level in units of electrons Returns ------- float Maximum exposure time per integration before specified saturation level Examples -------- >>> max_time = compute_maxexptime_per_int(pandeia_input, 50000.0) >>> print(max_time) 12.0 """ #run once to get 2d rate image pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = int(2 ) pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = 1 pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nexp'] = 1 report = perform_calculation(pandeia_input, dict_report=False) report_dict = report.as_dict() # count rate on the detector in e-/second/pixel #det = report_dict['2d']['detector'] det = report.signal.rate_plus_bg_list[0]['fp_pix'] timeinfo = report_dict['information']['exposure_specification'] #totaltime = timeinfo['tgroup']*timeinfo['ngroup']*timeinfo['nint'] maxdetvalue = np.max(det) #maximum time before saturation per integration #based on user specified saturation level try: maxexptime_per_int = sat_level/maxdetvalue except: maxexptime_per_int = np.nan return maxexptime_per_int
[docs]def compute_timing(m,transit_duration,expfact_out,noccultations): """Computes all timing info for observation Computes all JWST specific timing info for observation including. Some pertinent JWST terminology: - frame: The result of sequentially clocking and digitizing all pixels in a rectangular area of an SCA. **Full-fame readout** means to digitize all pixels in an SCA, including reference pixels. **Frame** also applies to the result of clocking and digitizing a subarray on an SCA. - group: One or more consecutively read frames. There are no intervening resets. Frames may be averaged to form a group but for exoplanets the read out scheme is always 1 frame = 1 group - integration: The end result of resetting the detector and then non-destructively sampling it one or more times over a finite period of time before resetting the detector again. This is a unit of data for which signal is proportional to intensity, and it consists of one or more GROUPS. - exposure: The end result of one or more INTEGRATIONS over a finite period of time. EXPOSURE defines the contents of a single FITS file. Parameters --------- m : dict Dictionary output from **compute_maxexptime_per_int** transit_duration : float or int transit duration in seconds expfact_out : float or int fraction of time spent in transit versus out of transit noccultations : int number of transits Returns ------- timing : dict All timing info warningflag : dict Warning flags Examples -------- >>> timing, flags = compute_timing(m, 2*60.0*60.0, 1.0, 1.0) >>> print((list(timing.keys()))) ['Number of Transits', 'Num Integrations Out of Transit', 'Num Integrations In Transit', 'APT: Num Groups per Integration', 'Seconds per Frame', 'Observing Efficiency (%)', 'On Source Time(sec)', 'Exposure Time Per Integration (secs)', 'Reset time Plus 30 min TA time (hrs)', 'APT: Num Integrations per Occultation', 'Transit Duration'] """ tframe = m['tframe'] nframe = m['nframe'] nskip = m['nskip'] mingroups = m['mingroups'] overhead_per_int = tframe #overhead time added per integration try: #are we starting with a exposure time ? maxexptime_per_int = m['maxexptime_per_int'] except: #or a pre defined number of groups specified by user ngroups_per_int = m['ngroup'] flag_default = "All good" flag_high = "All good" if 'maxexptime_per_int' in locals(): #Frist, if maxexptime_per_int has been defined (from above), compute ngroups_per_int #number of frames in one integration is the maximum time beofre exposure #divided by the time it takes for one frame. Note this does not include #reset frames nframes_per_int = np.floor(maxexptime_per_int/tframe) #for exoplanets nframe =1 an nskip always = 0 so ngroups_per_int #and nframes_per_int area always the same ngroups_per_int = np.floor(nframes_per_int/(nframe + nskip)) #put restriction on number of groups #there is a hard limit to the maximum number groups. #if you exceed that limit, set it to the maximum value instead. #also set another check for saturation if ngroups_per_int > max_ngroup: ngroups_per_int = max_ngroup flag_high = "Groups/int > max num of allowed groups" if (ngroups_per_int < mingroups) | np.isnan(ngroups_per_int): ngroups_per_int = mingroups nframes_per_int = mingroups flag_default = "NGROUPS<"+str(mingroups)+"SET TO NGROUPS="+str(mingroups) elif 'ngroups_per_int' in locals(): #if it maxexptime_per_int been defined then set nframes per int nframes_per_int = ngroups_per_int*(nframe+nskip) #if that didn't work its because maxexptime_per_int is nan .. run calc with mingroups else: #if maxexptime_per_int is nan then just ngroups and nframe to 2 #for the sake of not returning error ngroups_per_int = mingroups nframes_per_int = mingroups flag_default = "Something went wrong. SET TO NGROUPS="+str(mingroups) #the integration time is related to the number of groups and the time of each #group exptime_per_int = ngroups_per_int*tframe #clock time includes the reset frame clocktime_per_int = (ngroups_per_int+1.0)*tframe #observing efficiency (i.e. what percentage of total time is spent on soure) eff = (ngroups_per_int - 1.0)/(ngroups_per_int + 1.0) #this says "per occultation" but this is just the in transit frames.. See below # transit duration / ((ngroups + reset)*frame time) nint_per_occultation = transit_duration/((ngroups_per_int+1.0)*tframe) #figure out how many integrations are in transit and how many are out of transit nint_in = np.ceil(nint_per_occultation) nint_out = np.ceil(nint_in/expfact_out) #you would never want a single integration in transit. #here we assume that for very dim things, you would want at least #3 integrations in transit if nint_in < min_nint_trans: ngroups_per_int = np.floor(ngroups_per_int/min_nint_trans) exptime_per_int = (ngroups_per_int)*tframe clocktime_per_int = ngroups_per_int*tframe eff = (ngroups_per_int - 1.0)/(ngroups_per_int + 1.0) nint_per_occultation = transit_duration/((ngroups_per_int+1.0)*tframe) nint_in = np.ceil(nint_per_occultation) nint_out = np.ceil(nint_in/expfact_out) if nint_out < min_nint_trans: nint_out = min_nint_trans timing = { "Transit Duration" : (transit_duration)/60.0/60.0, "Seconds per Frame" : tframe, "Time/Integration incl reset (sec)":clocktime_per_int, "APT: Num Groups per Integration" :int(ngroups_per_int), "Num Integrations Out of Transit":int(nint_out), "Num Integrations In Transit":int(nint_in), "APT: Num Integrations per Occultation":int(nint_out+nint_in), "Observing Efficiency (%)": eff*100.0, "Transit+Baseline, no overhead (hrs)": (nint_out+nint_in)*clocktime_per_int/60.0/60.0, "Number of Transits": noccultations } return timing, {'flag_default':flag_default,'flag_high':flag_high}
[docs]def remove_QY(pandeia_dict, instrument): """Removes Quantum Yield from Pandeia Fluxes. Place Holder. Parameters ---------- pandeia_dict : dict pandeia output dictionary instrument : str instrument running Returns ------- dict same exact dictionary with extracted_flux = extracted_flux/QY """ if instrument == 'niriss': try: qy =,'jwst', instrument,'qe' ,'jwst_niriss_h2rg_qe_20221003172003.fits')) except: raise Exception('PANDEIA REFERENCE DATA NEEDS TO BE UPDATED') x_grid = pandeia_dict['1d']['extracted_flux'][0] qy_on_grid = np.interp(x_grid, qy[1].data['WAVELENGTH'], qy[1].data['CONVERSION']) elif instrument == 'nirspec': try: qy =,'jwst', instrument,'qe' ,'jwst_nirspec_qe_20160902193401.fits')) except: raise Exception('PANDEIA REFERENCE DATA NEEDS TO BE UPDATED') x_grid = pandeia_dict['1d']['extracted_flux'][0] qy_on_grid = np.interp(x_grid, qy[1].data['WAVELENGTH'], qy[1].data['CONVERSION']) else: #nircam and miri currently have no qy effects qy_on_grid = 1.0 pandeia_dict['1d']['extracted_flux'][1] = pandeia_dict['1d']['extracted_flux'][1]/qy_on_grid return pandeia_dict
[docs]def perform_out(pandeia_input, pandexo_input,timing, both_spec): """Runs pandeia for the out of transit data Parameters ---------- pandeia_input : dict pandeia specific input info pandexo_input : dict exoplanet specific observation info timing : dict timing dictionary from **compute_timing** both_spec : dict dictionary transit spectra computed from **createInput.bothTrans** Returns ------- dict pandeia output dictionary for out of transit data """ #pandeia inputs, simulate one integration at a time pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = int(timing['APT: Num Groups per Integration']) pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = int(timing['Num Integrations Out of Transit']) pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nexp'] = 1 report_out = perform_calculation(pandeia_input, dict_report=False) return report_out
[docs]def perform_in(pandeia_input, pandexo_input,timing, both_spec, out, calculation): """Computes in transit data Runs Pandeia for the in transit data or computes the in transit simulation from the out of transit pandeia run Parameters ---------- pandeia_input : dict pandeia specific input info pandexo_input : dict exoplanet specific observation info timing : dict timing dictionary from **compute_timing** both_spec : dict dictionary transit spectra computed from **createInput.bothTrans** out : dict out of transit dictionary from **perform_in** calculation : str key which speficies the kind of noise calcualtion (2d extract, slope method, fml, phase_spec). Recommended for transit transmisstion spectra = fml Returns ------- dict pandeia output dictionary """ #function to run pandeia for in transit if calculation == 'phase_spec': #return the phase curve since it's all we need report_in = {'time': both_spec['time'],'planet_phase': both_spec['planet_phase']} elif calculation == 'fml': #for FML method, we only use the flux rate calculated in pandeia so #can compute in transit flux rate without running pandeia a third time report_in = deepcopy(out) transit_depth = np.interp(report_in['1d']['extracted_flux'][0], both_spec['wave'], both_spec['frac']) report_in['1d']['extracted_flux'][1] = report_in['1d']['extracted_flux'][1]*transit_depth else: #only run pandeia a third time if doing slope method and need accurate run for the #nint and timing pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'] = int(timing['APT: Num Groups per Integration']) pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nint'] = int(timing['Num Integrations In Transit']) pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nexp'] = 1 in_transit_spec = np.array([both_spec['wave'], both_spec['flux_in_trans']]) pandeia_input['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed']['spectrum'] = in_transit_spec report_in = perform_calculation(pandeia_input, dict_report=True) instrument = pandeia_input['configuration']['instrument']['instrument'] #remove QY effects report_in = remove_QY(report_in, instrument) report_in.pop('3d') return report_in
[docs]def add_warnings(pand_dict, timing, sat_level, flags,instrument): """Add warnings for front end Adds in necessary warning flags for a JWST observation usually associated with too few or too many groups or saturation. Alerts user if saturation level is higher than 80 percent and if the number of groups is less than 5. Or, if the full well is greater than 80. These warnings are currently very arbitrary. Will be updated as better JWST recommendations are made. Parameters ---------- pand_dict : output from pandeia run timing : dict output from **compute_timing** sat_level : int or float user specified saturation level in fractional (00/100) flags : dict warning flags taken from output of **compute_timing** instrument : str Only allowable strings are: "nirspec", "niriss", "nircam", "miri" Returns ------- dict all warnings Notes ----- These are warnings are just suggestions and are not yet required. """ ngroups_per_int = timing['APT: Num Groups per Integration'] #check for saturation try: flag_nonl = pand_dict['warnings']['partial_saturated'] except: flag_nonl = "All good" try: flag_sat = pand_dict['warnings']['full_saturated'] except: flag_sat = "All good" #check for too small number of groups flag_low = "All good" flag_perc = "All good" if (sat_level > .80) & (ngroups_per_int <3): flag_low = "% full well>80% & only " + str(ngroups_per_int) + " groups" if (sat_level > .80): flag_perc = "% full well>80%" warnings = { "Group Number Too Low?" : flag_low, "Group Number Too High?": flags["flag_high"], "Non linear?" : flag_nonl, "Saturated?" : flag_sat, "% full well high?": flag_perc, "Num Groups Reset?": flags["flag_default"] } return warnings
[docs]def add_noise_floor(noise_floor, wave_bin, error_spec): """Add in noise floor This adds in a user speficied noise floor. Does not add the noise floor in quadrature isntead it sets error[error<noise_floor] = noise_floor. If a wavelength dependent noise floor is given and the wavelength ranges are off, it interpolates the out of range noise floor. Parameters ---------- noise_floor : str or int file with two column [wavelength, noise(ppm)] or single number with constant noise floor in ppm wave_bin : array of float final binned wavelength grid from simulation error_spec : array of float final computed error on the planet spectrum in units of rp^2/r*^2 or fp/f* Returns ------- array of float error_spec-- new error Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> wave = np.linspace(1,2.7,10) >>> error = np.zeros(10)+1e-6 >>> newerror = add_noise_floor(20, wave, error) >>> print(newerror) [ 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05 2.00000000e-05] """ #add user specified noise floor if (type(noise_floor)==float) | (type(noise_floor) == int): error_spec[error_spec<noise_floor*1e-6] = noise_floor*1e-6 elif (type(noise_floor)==str): read_noise = np.genfromtxt(noise_floor, dtype=(float, float), names='w, n') w_overlap = (wave_bin>=min(read_noise['w'])) & (wave_bin<=max(read_noise['w'])) wnoise = wave_bin[w_overlap] noise = np.zeros(len(wave_bin)) noise[w_overlap] = np.interp(wnoise , read_noise['w'], read_noise['n']) noise[(wave_bin>max(read_noise['w']))] = read_noise['n'][read_noise['w'] == max(read_noise['w'])] noise[(wave_bin<min(read_noise['w']))] = read_noise['n'][read_noise['w'] == min(read_noise['w'])] error_spec[error_spec<noise*1e-6] = noise[error_spec<noise*1e-6]*1e-6 else: raise ValueError('Noise Floor added was not integer or file') return error_spec
[docs]def bin_wave_to_R(w, R): """Creates new wavelength axis at specified resolution Parameters ---------- w : list of float or numpy array of float Wavelength axis to be rebinned R : float or int Resolution to bin axis to Returns ------- list of float New wavelength axis at specified resolution Examples -------- >>> newwave = bin_wave_to_R(np.linspace(1,2,1000), 10) >>> print((len(newwave))) 11 """ wave = [] tracker = min(w) i = 1 ind= 0 firsttime = True while(tracker<max(w)): if i <len(w)-1: dlambda = w[i]-w[ind] newR = w[i]/dlambda if (newR < R) & (firsttime): tracker = w[ind] wave += [tracker] ind += 1 i += 1 firsttime = True elif newR < R: tracker = w[ind]+dlambda/2.0 wave +=[tracker] ind = (np.abs(w-tracker)).argmin() i = ind+1 firsttime = True else: firsttime = False i+=1 else: tracker = max(w) wave += [tracker] return np.array(wave)
[docs]def uniform_tophat_sum(newx,x, y): """Adapted from Mike R. Line to rebin spectra Sums groups of points in certain wave bin Parameters ---------- newx : list of float or numpy array of float New wavelength grid to rebin to x : list of float or numpy array of float Old wavelength grid to get rid of y : list of float or numpy array of float New rebinned y axis Returns ------- array of floats new wavelength grid Examples -------- >>> from .pandexo.engine.jwst import uniform_tophat_sum >>> oldgrid = np.linspace(1,3,100) >>> y = np.zeros(100)+10.0 >>> newy = uniform_tophat_sum(np.linspace(2,3,3), oldgrid, y) >>> newy array([ 240., 250., 130.]) """ newx = np.array(newx) szmod=newx.shape[0] delta=np.zeros(szmod) ynew=np.zeros(szmod) delta[0:-1]=newx[1:]-newx[:-1] delta[szmod-1]=delta[szmod-2] #pdb.set_trace() for i in range(szmod-1): i=i+1 loc=np.where((x >= newx[i]-0.5*delta[i-1]) & (x < newx[i]+0.5*delta[i])) ynew[i]=np.sum(y[loc]) loc=np.where((x > newx[0]-0.5*delta[0]) & (x < newx[0]+0.5*delta[0])) ynew[0]=np.sum(y[loc]) return ynew
[docs]def target_acq(instrument, both_spec, warning): """Contains functionality to compute optimal TA strategy Takes pandexo normalized flux from create_input and checks for saturation, or if SNR is below the minimum requirement for each. Then adds warnings and 2d displays and target acq info to final output dict Parameters ---------- instrument : str possible options are niriss, nirspec, miri and nircam both_spec : dict output dictionary from **create_input** warning : dict output dictionary from **add_warnings** Retruns ------- """ out_spectrum = np.array([both_spec['wave'], both_spec['flux_out_trans']]) #this automatically builds a default calculation #I got reasonable answers for everything so all you should need to do here is swap out (instrument = 'niriss', 'nirspec','miri' or 'nircam') c = build_default_calc(telescope='jwst', instrument=instrument, mode='target_acq', method='taphot') c['scene'][0]['spectrum']['sed'] = {'sed_type':'input','spectrum':out_spectrum} c['scene'][0]['spectrum']['normalization']['type'] = 'none' rphot = perform_calculation(c, dict_report=True) #check warnings (pandeia doesn't return values for these warnings, so try will fail if all good) try: warnings['TA Satruated?'] = rphot['warnings']['saturated'] except: warnings['TA Satruated?'] = 'All good' try: warnings['TA SNR Threshold'] = rphot['warnings']['ta_snr_threshold'] except: warnings['TA SNR Threshold'] = 'All good' #build TA dict ta = {'sn':rphot['scalar']['sn'], 'ngroup': rphot['input']['configuration']['detector']['ngroup'], 'saturation':rphot['2d']['saturation']}
[docs]def as_dict(out, both_spec ,binned, timing, mag, sat_level, warnings, punit, unbinned,calculation): """Format dictionary for output data Takes all output from jwst run and converts it to simple dictionary Parameters ---------- out : dict output dictionary from **compute_out** both_spec : dict output dictionary from **createInput.bothTrans** binned : dict dictionary from **wrapper** timing : dict dictionary from **compute_timing** mag : dict magnitude of system sat_level : float or int saturation level in electrons warnings : dict warning dictionary from **add_warnings** punit : "fp/f*" or "rp^2/r*^2" unit of supplied spectra options are: only options are fp/f* or rp^2/r*^2 unbinned : dict unbinned raw data from **wrapper** calculation : str noise calculation type Returns ------- dict compressed dictionary """ #for emission spectrum p=1.0 if punit == 'fp/f*': p = -1.0 timing_div = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(timing, orient='index') timing_div.columns = ['Value'] timing_div = timing_div.to_html() timing_div = '<table class="table table-striped"> \n' + timing_div[36:len(timing_div)] timing_div = timing_div.encode() warnings_div = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(warnings, orient='index') warnings_div.columns = ['Value'] warnings_div = warnings_div.to_html() warnings_div = '<table class="table table-striped"> \n' + warnings_div[36:len(warnings_div)] warnings_div = warnings_div.encode() input_dict = { "Target Mag": mag , "Saturation Level (electons)": sat_level, "Instrument": out['input']['configuration']['instrument']['instrument'], "Mode": out['input']['configuration']['instrument']['mode'], "Aperture": out['input']['configuration']['instrument']['aperture'], "Disperser": out['input']['configuration']['instrument']['disperser'], "Subarray": out['input']['configuration']['detector']['subarray'], "Readmode": out['input']['configuration']['detector']['readmode'], "Filter": out['input']['configuration']['instrument']['filter'], "Primary/Secondary": punit } input_div = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(input_dict, orient='index') input_div.columns = ['Value'] input_div = input_div.to_html() input_div = '<table class="table table-striped"> \n' + input_div[36:len(input_div)] input_div = input_div.encode() #add calc type to input dict (doing it here so it doesn't output on webpage input_dict["Calculation Type"]= calculation final_dict = { 'OriginalInput': {'model_spec':both_spec['model_spec'], 'model_wave' : both_spec['model_wave'], 'star_spec': both_spec['flux_out_trans']}, 'RawData': unbinned, 'FinalSpectrum': binned, #pic output 'PandeiaOutTrans': out, #all timing info 'timing': timing, 'warning':warnings, 'input':input_dict, #divs for html rendering 'timing_div':timing_div, 'input_div':input_div, 'warnings_div':warnings_div, } return final_dict