HST Tutorial¶
This file demonstrates how to use TExoNS to predict the: 1. Transmission/emission spectrum S/N ratio 2. Observation start window for any system observed with WFC3/IR.
import pandexo.engine.justdoit as jdi
Editting Input Dictionaries¶
Step 1) Load in a blank exoplanet dictionary¶
exo_dict = jdi.load_exo_dict()
Edit stellar and planet inputs¶
exo_dict['star']['mag'] = 9.397 # H magnitude of the system
exo_dict['planet']['type'] = 'user' # user specified inputs
exo_dict['planet']['exopath'] = 'WASP43b-Eclipse_Spectrum.txt' # filename for model spectrum
exo_dict['planet']['w_unit'] = 'um' # wavelength unit
exo_dict['planet']['f_unit'] = 'fp/f*' # flux ratio unit (can also put "rp^2/r*^2")
exo_dict['planet']['depth'] = 4.0e-3 # flux ratio
exo_dict['planet']['i'] = 82.6 # Orbital inclination in degrees
exo_dict['planet']['ars'] = 5.13 # Semi-major axis / stellar radius
exo_dict['planet']['period'] = 0.8135 # Orbital period in days
exo_dict['planet']['transit_duration']= 4170.0/60/60/24#(optional if given above info) transit duration in days
exo_dict['planet']['w'] = 90 #(optional) longitude of periastron. Default is 90
exo_dict['planet']['ecc'] = 0 #(optional) eccentricity. Default is 0
Step 2) Load in instrument dictionary¶
WFC3 G141
WFC3 G102
inst_dict = jdi.load_mode_dict('WFC3 G141')
Edit HST/WFC3 detector and observation inputs¶
exo_dict['observation']['noccultations'] = 5 # Number of transits/eclipses
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['subarray'] = 'GRISM256' # GRISM256 or GRISM512
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['nsamp'] = 10 # WFC3 N_SAMP, 1..15
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['samp_seq'] = 'SPARS5' # WFC3 SAMP_SEQ, SPARS5 or SPARS10
inst_dict['strategy']['norbits'] = 4 # Number of HST orbits
inst_dict['strategy']['nchan'] = 15 # Number of spectrophotometric channels
inst_dict['strategy']['scanDirection'] = 'Forward' # Spatial scan direction, Forward or Round Trip
inst_dict['strategy']['schedulability'] = 30 # 30 for small/medium program, 100 for large program
inst_dict['strategy']['windowSize'] = 20 # (optional) Observation start window size in minutes. Default is 20 minutes.
Run PandExo Command Line¶
jdi.run_pandexo(exo, inst, param_space = 0, param_range = 0,save_file = True, output_path=os.getcwd(), output_file = '')
See wiki Attributes for more thorough explanation fo inputs
foo = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, inst_dict, output_file='wasp43b.p')
Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict
****WARNING: Observing plan may incur mid-orbit buffer dumps. Check with APT.
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['nsamp'] = None
inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['samp_seq'] = None
bar = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, inst_dict, output_file='wasp43b.p')
Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict
exo_dict['observation']['scanDirection'] = 'Round Trip'
hst = jdi.run_pandexo(exo_dict, inst_dict, output_file='wasp43b.p')
Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict
Plot Results¶
Plot simulated spectrum using specified file¶
import pandexo.engine.justplotit as jpi
#using foo from above
#other keys include model=True/False
datawave, dataspec, dataerror, modelwave, modelspec = jpi.hst_spec(foo)
Compute earliest and latest start times for given start window size¶
The errors in the time series are the error per wavelength channel.
#using foo from above
obsphase1, obstr1, obsphase2, obstr2,rms = jpi.hst_time(foo)
Print important info for observation¶
{'Estimated duty cycle (outside of Earth occultation)': 24.991166666666668,
'Maximum pixel fluence (electrons)': 30266.370139081948,
'Number of HST orbits': 4,
'Number of Transits': 5,
'Number of channels': 15,
'Recommended scan rate (arcsec/s)': 0.075999999999999998,
'Scan height (pixels)': 13.454512396694216,
'Start observations between orbital phases': '0.307075052926-0.324148057092',
'Transit depth uncertainty(ppm)': 62.433045276228441,
'WFC3 parameters: NSAMP': 10,
'WFC3 parameters: SAMP_SEQ': 'SPARS5'}