Source code for engine.justdoit

import numpy as np
from pandeia.engine.instrument_factory import InstrumentFactory
from .pandexo import wrapper
from .load_modes import SetDefaultModes
import os
import pickle as pkl
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
import multiprocessing
import json
from .exomast import get_target_data
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
import astropy.units as u
import copy

user_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

ALL = {"WFC3 G141":False,
       "MIRI LRS":False,
       "NIRISS SOSS":False,
       "NIRSpec G140M":False,
       "NIRSpec G140H":False,
       "NIRSpec G235M":False,
       "NIRSpec G235H":False,
       "NIRSpec G395M":False,
       "NIRSpec G395H":False,
       "NIRSpec Prism":False,
       "NIRCam F322W2":False,
       "NIRCam F444W":False}

[docs]def getStarName(planet_name): """ Given a string with a (supposed) planet name, this function returns the star name. For example: - If `planet_name` is 'HATS-5b' this returns 'HATS-5'. - If `planet_name` is 'Kepler-12Ab' this returns 'Kepler-12A'. It also handles the corner case in which `planet_name` is *not* a planet name, but a star name itself, e.g.: - If `planet_name` is 'HAT-P-1' it returns 'HAT-P-1'. - If `planet_name` is 'HAT-P-1 ' it returns 'HAT-P-1'. """ star_name = planet_name.strip() # Check if last character is a letter: if str.isalpha(star_name[-1]): if star_name[-1] == star_name[-1].lower(): star_name = star_name[:-1] # Return trimmed string: return star_name.strip()
[docs]def load_exo_dict(planet_name=None,pl_kwargs={}): """Loads in empty exoplanet dictionary for pandexo input Loads in empty exoplanet dictionary so that the user can manually edit different planet parameters. Must be done for every bash run. User must edit each keys within the dictionary. Parameters ---------- planet_name : str (Optional) Planet name e.g. 'HD 189733 b' or 'HD189733b' pl_kwargs : dict (Optional) : dict if you get an error that there is a missing field you can enter it in dictionary form using this e.g. pl_kwargs = {"Jmag":7} Returns ------- dict Empty dictionary to be filled out by the user before running PandExo Example ------- >>> exo_dict = load_exo_dict() >>> exo_dict['planet']['transit_duration'] = 2*60*60 #2 hours """ with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "reference", "exo_input.json")) as data_file: pandexo_input = json.load(data_file) if not isinstance(planet_name, type(None)): planet_data = get_target_data(planet_name)[0] pandexo_input['star']['type'] = 'phoenix' pandexo_input['star']['temp'] = planet_data['Teff'] pandexo_input['star']['metal'] = planet_data['Fe/H'] pandexo_input['star']['logg'] = planet_data['stellar_gravity'] Simbad.add_votable_fields('flux(H)') Simbad.add_votable_fields('flux(J)') star_name = getStarName(planet_name) if 'Jmag' in planet_data.keys(): jmag = planet_data['Jmag'] else: try: jmag = Simbad.query_object(star_name)['FLUX_J'][0] #removing for how as blind str cutoffs are bug prone #if # # Remove 'A' from star_name for systems with binary stars (e.g., WASP-77A) # star_name = star_name[:-1] # jmag = Simbad.query_object(star_name)['FLUX_J'][0] except: jmag = pl_kwargs.get('Jmag',0) if jmag==0: raise Exception("Uh oh. Exo.MAST/simbad do not have a Jmag. Please enter it with pl_kwargs. E.g. pl_wargs={'Jmag':8} ") if 'Hmag' in planet_data.keys(): hmag = planet_data['Hmag'] else: try: hmag = Simbad.query_object(star_name)['FLUX_H'][0] #removing for how as blind str cutoffs are bug prone #if # # Remove 'A' from star_name for systems with binary stars (e.g., WASP-77A) # star_name = star_name[:-1] # hmag = Simbad.query_object(star_name)['FLUX_H'][0] except: hmag = pl_kwargs.get('Hmag',0) if hmag==0: raise Exception("Uh oh. Exo.MAST/simbad do not have a Hmag. Please enter it with pl_kwargs. E.g. pl_wargs={'Hmag':8} ") pandexo_input["star"]["mag"] = jmag pandexo_input["star"]["ref_wave"] = 1.25 pandexo_input["star"]["jmag"] = jmag pandexo_input["star"]["hmag"] = hmag #optinoal star radius pandexo_input["star"]["radius"] = planet_data['Rs'] pandexo_input["star"]["r_unit"] = planet_data['Rs_unit'][0]+ planet_data['Rs_unit'][1:].lower() #optional planet radius/mass pandexo_input["planet"]["radius"] = planet_data['Rp'] pandexo_input["planet"]["r_unit"] = planet_data['Rp_unit'][0]+ planet_data['Rp_unit'][1:].lower() try: pandexo_input["planet"]["mass"] = planet_data['Mp'] pandexo_input["planet"]["m_unit"] = planet_data['Mp_unit'][0]+ planet_data['Mp_unit'][1:].lower() except: print("No mass found. Setting mass to np.nan. Mass is only required for model grids. If you want to enter one please enter it with pl_kwargs. E.g. pl_wargs={'Mp':1,'Mp_unit':'M_jupiter'}") pandexo_input["planet"]["mass"] = pl_kwargs.get('mass',np.nan) pandexo_input["planet"]["m_unit"] = pl_kwargs.get('m_unit',np.nan) pandexo_input["planet"]["transit_duration"] = planet_data['transit_duration'] pandexo_input["planet"]["td_unit"] = planet_data['transit_duration_unit'] depth = pandexo_input["planet"]["radius"]**2 / ((pandexo_input["star"]["radius"] *u.Unit(pandexo_input["star"]["r_unit"]) ) .to(u.Unit(pandexo_input["planet"]["r_unit"]))).value**2 pandexo_input["planet"]["depth"] = depth if planet_data['inclination'] == None: inc = 90 else: inc = planet_data['inclination'] pandexo_input["planet"]["i"] = inc pandexo_input["planet"]["ars"] = planet_data['a/Rs'] period = planet_data['orbital_period'] period_unit = planet_data['orbital_period_unit'] pandexo_input["planet"]["period"] = (period*u.Unit(period_unit)).to(u.Unit('day')).value pandexo_input["planet"]["ecc"] = planet_data['eccentricity'] pandexo_input["planet"]["ecc"] = planet_data['eccentricity'] try: pandexo_input["planet"]["w"] = float(planet_data['omega'] ) except: pandexo_input["planet"]["w"] = 90. return pandexo_input
[docs]def load_mode_dict(inst): """Function to pull in correct instrument dictionary This is the instrument counterpart to load_exo_dict. It loads in a template instrument dictionary for a specific instrument mode. Parameters ---------- inst : str One of the allowable instrument keys. To see which instrument modes are available use `print_instruments()` Returns ------- dict Filled out template of instrument dictionary, which can be editted before running to PandExo (not required). Example ------- >>> inst_dict = load_mode_dict('MIRI LRS') >>> inst_dict['configuration']['instrument']['aperture'] = 'lrsslit' """ return SetDefaultModes(inst).pick()
[docs]def get_thruput(inst, niriss=1, nirspec='f100lp'): """Returns complete instrument photon to electron conversion efficiency Pulls complete instrument photon to electron conversion efficiency (PCE) based on instrument key input Parameters ---------- inst : str One of the instrument keys in `print_instruments` niriss : int (Optional) defines which niriss order you want (1 or 2) nirspec : str (Optional) for NIRISS G140M/H there are two available filters (f100lp and f070lp) if you are selecting G140M or G140H, this allows you to pick which one Returns ------- dict Dictionary with wave solution and PCE Example ------- >>> thru_dict = get_thruput('NIRISS SOSS_Or1') """ #pull correct dictionary input_dict = SetDefaultModes(inst).pick() conf = input_dict['configuration'] conf['detector']['ngroup'] = 2 if conf['instrument']['instrument'].lower() =='niriss': #pandeia handles slit losses inside the 2d engine. So, you need to account for the #extra .663 here conf["instrument"]["disperser"] = conf["instrument"]["disperser"] +'_'+str(niriss) i = InstrumentFactory(config=conf) wr = i.get_wave_range() wave = np.linspace(wr['wmin'], wr['wmax'], num=500) pce = i.get_total_eff(wave) return {'wave':wave,'pce':0.663*pce} elif (conf['instrument']['instrument'].lower() =='nirspec') and ('g140' in conf["instrument"]["disperser"]): conf["instrument"]["filter"] = nirspec i = InstrumentFactory(config=conf) wr = i.get_wave_range() wave = np.linspace(wr['wmin'], wr['wmax'], num=500) pce = i.get_total_eff(wave) return {'wave':wave,'pce':pce}
[docs]def run_param_space(i,exo,inst,param_space, verbose=False): """Changes exo dictionary and submits run This function is used to reset the exo dictionary based on what parameter is being looped over and submits run to `wrapper` so that all the jobs are run in parallel Parameters ---------- i : str or float Can be either a str or float based on what you are looping through (str for filenames, float for stellar temps, float for magnitudes, etc) exo : dict Exoplanet dictionary which can be loaded in and editted through `load_exo_dict` inst : str Key which indicates with instrument param_space : str Set of keys within exo_dict to indicate which parameter to loop through. Should be in the format of "first level of dict"+"second level of dict". For example, for stellar temp `param_space` would be "star+temp" verbose : bool (Optional) prints out checkpoints. Assuming the user does not want a load of print statements for parallel runs Returns ------- dict Dictionary with output of pandexo. Key is the value of the parameter that was looped through. """ #break up parameter space to two separate dictionary keys key1 = param_space[0:param_space.find('+')] key2 = param_space[param_space.find('+')+1:len(param_space)] exo[key1][key2] = i #load in correct dict format inst_dict = load_mode_dict(inst) name = os.path.split(str(i))[1] return {name: wrapper({"pandeia_input": inst_dict , "pandexo_input":exo}, verbose=verbose)}
[docs]def run_inst_space(inst,exo, verbose=False): """Changes inst dictionary and submits run This function is used to reset the instrument dictionary. Parameters ---------- exo : dict Exoplanet dictionary which can be loaded in and editted through `load_exo_dict` inst : str Key which indicates with instrument verbose : bool (Optional) prints out checkpoints. Assuming the user does not want a load of print statements for parallel runs Returns ------- dict Dictionary with output of pandexo. Key is the value of the parameter that was looped through. """ #load in correct dict format inst_dict = load_mode_dict(inst) return {inst: wrapper({"pandeia_input": inst_dict , "pandexo_input":exo}, verbose=verbose)}
[docs]def run_pandexo(exo, inst, param_space = 0, param_range = 0,save_file = True, output_path=os.getcwd(), output_file = '',num_cores=user_cores, verbose=True): """Submits multiple runs of pandexo in parallel. Functionality: program contains functionality for running single or multiple runs of PandExo Parameters ---------- exo : dict exoplanet input dictionary inst : dict or str or list of str instrument input dictionary OR LIST of keys (for allowable keys see `print_instruments()` param_space : str or 0 (Optional) Default is 0 = no exoplanet parameter space. To run through a parameter specify which one need to specify two keys from exo dict with + in between. i.e. observation+fraction star+temp planet+exopath param_range : list of str or list of float (Optional) Default = 0 An array or list over which to run the parameters space. i.e. array of temperatures if running through stellar temp or array of files if running through planet models. Must specify param_space if using this. save_file : bool (Optional) Default = True saves file, False does not output_path : str (Optional) Defaults to current working directory output_file : str (Optional) Default is "singlerun.p" for single runs, "param_space.p" for exo parameter runs or "instrument_run.p" for instrument parameter space runs. verbose : bool (Optional) For single runs, if false, it turns off all print statements. For parameter space runs it is defaulted to never print statements out. Returns ------- dict For single run output will just be a single PandExo output dictionary For multiple runs the output will be organized into a list with each a dictionary named by whatever you are looping through i.e. [{'First temp': PandExoDict}, {'Second temp': PandExoDict}, etc..] Example ------- For single run: >>> a = run_pandexo(exo_dict, ['MIRI LRS']) For multiple instruments: >>> a = run_pandexo(exo_dict, ['MIRI LRS','NIRSpec G395H']) Loop through a exoplanet parameter (stellar magnitude): >>> a = run_pandexo(exo_dict, ['NIRSpec G395M'], param_space ='star+mag',param_range = np.linspace(6,10,5)) """ #single instrument mode with dictionary input OR single planet if type(inst) == dict: if verbose: print("Running Single Case w/ User Instrument Dict") results =wrapper({"pandeia_input": inst , "pandexo_input":exo}, verbose=verbose) if output_file == '': output_file = 'singlerun.p' if save_file: pkl.dump(results, open(os.path.join(output_path,output_file),'wb')) return results #make sure inst is in list format.. makes my life so much easier try: if type(inst) != list: raise ValueError except ValueError: print('Instrument input is not dict so must be list') print('Enter in format ["NIRSpec G140M"] or ["NIRISS SOSS","MIRI LRS"]') return #single instrument mode and single planet OR several planets if len(inst)==1 and inst[0] != 'RUN ALL': #start case of no parameter space run if isinstance(param_space, (float, int)) or isinstance(param_range, (float, int)): if verbose: print("Running Single Case for: " + inst[0]) inst_dict = load_mode_dict(inst[0]) results =wrapper({"pandeia_input": inst_dict , "pandexo_input":exo}, verbose=verbose) if output_file == '': output_file = 'singlerun.p' if save_file: pkl.dump(results, open(os.path.join(output_path,output_file),'wb')) return results #if there are parameters to cycle through this will run if verbose: print("Running through exo parameters in parallel: " + param_space) #run the above function in parallel results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(run_param_space)(i,exo,inst[0],param_space) for i in param_range) #Default dump all results [an array of dictionaries] into single file #and return results immediately to user if output_file == '': output_file = param_space + '.p' if save_file: pkl.dump(results, open(os.path.join(output_path,output_file),'wb')) return results #run several different instrument modes and single planet if verbose: print("Running select instruments") if len(inst)>1: results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(run_inst_space)(i, exo) for i in inst) #Default dump all results [an array of dictionaries] into single file #and return results immediately to user if output_file == '': output_file = 'instrument_run.p' if save_file: pkl.dump(results, open(os.path.join(output_path,output_file),'wb')) return results #cycle through all options elif inst[0].lower() == 'run all': if verbose: print("Running through all instruments") results = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(run_inst_space)(i, exo) for i in ALL.keys()) #Default dump all results [an array of dictionaries] into single file #and return results immediately to user if output_file == '': output_file = 'instrument_run.p' if save_file: pkl.dump(results, open(os.path.join(output_path,output_file),'wb')) return results
[docs]def subarrays(inst): """function to show availalble subarrays and their times (in secons) Parameters ---------- inst : str string of either niriss, nirspec, miri or nircam Returns ------- dict dictionary with name of subarray as keys and time in seconds as entry """ print("Subarray field stored in inst_dict['configuration']['detector']['subarray']") if inst.lower() == 'niriss': return {'substrip96':2.2129,'substrip256':5.4913} elif inst.lower() == 'nirspec': return {'sub1024a':0.451,'sub1024b':0.451,'sub2048':0.90156,'sub512':0.22572,'sub512s':0.14392} elif inst.lower() == 'miri': return {'slitlessprism':0.159} elif inst.lower() == 'nircam': return {"subgrism64":0.34, "subgrism128":0.67, "subgrism256":1.34, "subgrism64 (noutputs=1)":1.3, "subgrism128 (noutputs=1)":2.6, "subgrism256 (noutputs=1)":5.2} else: raise Exception("Only instruments are niriss, nirspec, miri, nircam. Pick one.")
[docs]def dispersers(inst): """function to show available dispersers Parameters ---------- inst : str string of either niriss, nirspec, miri or nircam Returns ------- list lsit with available dispersers """ print("Dispersers field stored in inst_dict['configuration']['instrument']['disperser']") if inst.lower() == 'niriss': return ['gr700xd'] elif inst.lower() == 'nirspec': return ['g140m','g140h','g235m','g235h','g395m','g395h','prism'] elif inst.lower() == 'miri': return ['p750l'] elif inst.lower() == 'nircam': return ['grismr'] else: raise Exception("Only instruments are niriss, nirspec, miri, nircam. Pick one.")
[docs]def filters(inst): """Function to show availalbe filters Parameters ---------- inst : str string of either niriss, nirspec, miri or nircam Returns ------- list list with availalbe filters """ print("Filters field stored in inst_dict['configuration']['instrument']['filter']") if inst.lower() == 'niriss': return ["clear","f277w"] elif inst.lower() == 'nirspec': return ['f070lp','f100lp','f170lp','f290lp','clear'] elif inst.lower() == 'miri': print("No filters for miri lrs, type None, or null in filter field") return [None] elif inst.lower() == 'nircam': return ['f322w2','f444w'] else: raise Exception("Only instruments are niriss, nirspec, miri, nircam. Pick one.")
[docs]def grid_options(grid = 'fortney'): """Function to show available grid options PandExo now supports various grid options. Currently, the only one that is availalbe is the Fortney grid for giant planets. We will be implementing others, as they become available. It will become increasingly difficult for users to see what options are availalbe to them. This function should guide users to choose the grid that best fits their needs. Parameters ---------- grid : str (Optional) string which 'fortney' """ return