import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .create_input import hst_spec
import batman
from .RECTE import RECTE
from scipy import optimize
[docs]def wfc3_GuessNOrbits(trdur):
'''Predict number of HST orbits
Predict number of HST orbits for transit observation when not provided by the user.
trdur : float
transit duration in days
number of requested orbits per transit (including discarded thermal-settling orbit)
# Compute # of HST orbits during transit
# ~96 minutes per HST orbit
orbitsTr = trdur*24.*60/96
if orbitsTr <= 1.5:
norbits = 4.
elif orbitsTr <= 2.0:
norbits = 5.
norbits = np.ceil(orbitsTr*2+1)
return norbits
[docs]def wfc3_GuessParams(jmag, disperser, scanDirection, subarray, obsTime, maxScanHeight=180., maxExptime=150., targetFluence=30000., hmag=None):
'''Predict nsamp and samp_seq when values not provided by the user.
jmag : float
J-band magnitude
disperser : str
grism ('G141' or 'G102')
scanDirection : str
spatial scan direction ('Forward' or 'Round Trip')
subarray : str
Subarray aperture ('grism256' or 'grism512')
obsTime : float
Available observing time per HST orbit in seconds
maxScanHeight : float
(optional) maximum scan height in pixels
maxExptime : float
(Optional) default=150.0, maximum exposure time in seconds
targetFluence : float
(Optional) Desired fluence in electrons per pixel
hmag : float
(Optional) H-band magnitude
nsamp--number of up-the-ramp samples (1..15)
samp_seq--time between non-destructive reads
allnsamp = np.arange(1, 16)
allsampseq = ['spars5', 'spars10', 'spars25']
maxDutyCycle = 0
for samp_seq in allsampseq:
for nsamp in allnsamp:
exptime, tottime, scanRate, scanHeight, fluence = wfc3_obs(jmag, disperser, scanDirection,
subarray, nsamp, samp_seq, targetFluence, hmag)
# Compute duty cycle and compare
# Exposure time should be less than 2.5 minutes to achieve good time resolution
ptsOrbit = np.floor(obsTime/tottime)
dutyCycle = (exptime*(ptsOrbit-1))/50./60*100
if (dutyCycle > maxDutyCycle) and (exptime < maxExptime) and (scanHeight < maxScanHeight):
maxDutyCycle = dutyCycle
bestsampseq = samp_seq
bestnsamp = nsamp
return bestnsamp, bestsampseq
[docs]def wfc3_obs(jmag, disperser, scanDirection, subarray, nsamp, samp_seq, targetFluence=30000., hmag=None):
'''Determine the recommended exposure time, scan rate, scan height, and overheads.
jmag : float
J-band magnitude
disperser : str
Grism ('G141' or 'G102')
scanDirection : str
spatial scan direction ('Forward' or 'Round Trip')
subarray : str
Subarray aperture ('grism256' or 'grism512')
nsamp : float
Number of up-the-ramp samples (1..15)
samp_seq : str
Time between non-destructive reads ('SPARS5', 'SPARS10', or 'SPARS25')
targetFluence : float
(Optional) Desired fluence in electrons per pixel
hmag : float
(Optional) H-band magnitude
exptime--exposure time in seconds
tottime--total frame time including overheads in seconds
scanRate--recommented scan rate in arcsec/s
scanHeight--scan height in pixels
fluence--maximum pixel fluence in electrons
# Estimate exposure time
if subarray == 'grism512':
# GRISM512
if samp_seq == 'spars5':
exptime = 0.853 + (nsamp-1)*2.9215 # SPARS5
elif samp_seq == 'spars10':
exptime = 0.853 + (nsamp-1)*7.9217 # SPARS10
elif samp_seq == 'spars25':
exptime = 0.853 + (nsamp-1)*22.9213 # SPARS25
print(("****HALTED: Unknown SAMP_SEQ: %s" % samp_seq))
# GRISM256
if samp_seq == 'spars5':
exptime = 0.280 + (nsamp-1)*2.349 # SPARS5
elif samp_seq == 'spars10':
exptime = 0.278 + (nsamp-1)*7.3465 # SPARS10
elif samp_seq == 'spars25':
exptime = 0.278 + (nsamp-1)*22.346 # SPARS25
print(("****HALTED: Unknown SAMP_SEQ: %s" % samp_seq))
# Recommended scan rate
if hmag == None:
hmag = jmag
#scanRate = np.round(1.9*10**(-0.4*(hmag-5.9)), 3) # arcsec/s
#scanRate = np.round(2363./targetFluence*10**(-0.4*(jmag-9.75)), 3) # arcsec/s
scanRate = (2491./targetFluence)*10**(-0.4*(jmag-9.75)) - (161/targetFluence)*10**(-0.4*(jmag-hmag))
if disperser == 'g102':
# G102/G141 flux ratio is ~0.8
scanRate *= 0.8
# Max fluence in electrons/pixel
#fluence = (5.5/scanRate)*10**(-0.4*(hmag-15))*2.4 # electrons
#fluence = (2363./scanRate)*10**(-0.4*(jmag-9.75)) # electrons
fluence = (2491./scanRate)*10**(-0.4*(jmag-9.75)) - (161/scanRate)*10**(-0.4*(jmag-hmag))
if disperser == 'g102':
# WFC3_ISR_2012-08 states that the G102/G141 scale factor is 0.96 DN/electron
fluence *= 0.96
# G102/G141 flux ratio is ~0.8
fluence *= 0.8
# Scan height in pixels
scanRatep = scanRate/0.121 # pixels/s
scanHeight = scanRatep*exptime # pixels
#Quadratic correlation between scanRate and read overhead
foo = np.array([0.0,0.1,0.3,0.5,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0])/0.121
bar = np.array([ 40, 40, 41, 42, 45, 50, 56, 61])
c = np.polyfit(foo,bar,2)
model = c[2] + c[1]*foo + c[0]*foo**2
#c = [ 6.12243227e-04, 6.31621064e-01, 3.96040946e+01]
# Define instrument overheads (in seconds)
c = [6.12243227e-04, 6.31621064e-01, 3.96040946e+01]
read = c[2] + c[1]*scanRatep + c[0]*scanRatep**2
# Correlation between scanHeight/scanRate and pointing overhead was determined elsewhere
if scanDirection == 'Round Trip':
# Round Trip scan direction doesn't have to return to starting point, therefore no overhead
pointing = 0.
elif scanDirection == 'Forward':
c = [3.18485340e+01, 3.32968829e-02, 1.65687590e-02,
7.65510038e-01, -6.24504499e+01, 5.51452028e-03]
pointing = c[0]*(1 - np.exp(-c[2]*(scanHeight-c[4]))) + \
c[1]*scanHeight + c[3]*scanRatep + c[5]*scanRatep**2
print(("****HALTED: Unknown scan direction: %s" % scanDirection))
# Estimate total frame time including overheads
tottime = exptime+read+pointing # seconds
return exptime, tottime, scanRate, scanHeight, fluence
[docs]def wfc3_TExoNS(dictinput):
'''Compute Transit depth uncertainty
Compute the transit depth uncertainty for a defined system and number of spectrophotometric channels.
Written by Kevin Stevenson October 2016
dictinput : dict
dictionary containing instrument parameters and exoplanet specific parameters. {"pandeia_input":dict1, "pandexo_input":dict1}
deptherr--transit depth uncertainty per spectrophotometric channel
chanrms--light curve root mean squarerms
ptsOrbit--number of HST frames per orbit
pandeia_input = dictinput['pandeia_input']
pandexo_input = dictinput['pandexo_input']
jmag = pandexo_input['star']['jmag']
print("Jmag not found.")
hmag = pandexo_input['star']['hmag']
hmag = jmag
print("Hmag not found. Assuming no color dependence in the stellar type.")
trdur = pandexo_input['planet']['transit_duration']
numTr = pandexo_input['observation']['noccultations']
schedulability = pandeia_input['strategy']['schedulability']
scanDirection = pandeia_input['strategy']['scanDirection']
nchan = pandeia_input['strategy']['nchan']
norbits = pandeia_input['strategy']['norbits']
useFirstOrbit = pandeia_input['strategy']['useFirstOrbit']
targetFluence = pandeia_input['strategy']['targetFluence']
targetFluence = 30000.
print("Assuming a target fluence of 30,000 electrons.")
disperser = pandeia_input['configuration']['instrument']['disperser'].lower(
subarray = pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['subarray'].lower()
nsamp = pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['nsamp']
samp_seq = pandeia_input['configuration']['detector']['samp_seq']
samp_seq = samp_seq.lower()
if disperser == 'g141':
# Define reference Jmag, flux, variance, and exposure time for GJ1214
refmag = 9.750
refflux = 2.32e8
refvar = 2.99e8
refexptime = 88.436
elif disperser == 'g102':
# Define reference Jmag, flux, variance, and exposure time for WASP12
refmag = 10.477
refflux = 8.26e7
refvar = 9.75e7
refexptime = 103.129
print(("****HALTED: Unknown disperser: %s" % disperser))
# Determine max recommended scan height
if subarray == 'grism512':
maxScanHeight = 430
elif subarray == 'grism256':
maxScanHeight = 180
print(("****HALTED: Unknown subarray aperture: %s" % subarray))
# Define maximum frame time
maxExptime = 150.
# Define available observing time per HST orbit in seconds
if str(schedulability) == '30':
obsTime = 51.3*60
elif str(schedulability) == '100':
obsTime = 46.3*60
print(("****HALTED: Unknown schedulability: %s" % schedulability))
# Compute recommended number of HST orbits and compare to user specified value
guessorbits = wfc3_GuessNOrbits(trdur)
if norbits == None:
norbits = guessorbits
elif norbits != guessorbits:
print(("****WARNING: Number of specified HST orbits does not match number of recommended orbits: %0.0f" % guessorbits))
if nsamp == 0 or nsamp == None or samp_seq == None or samp_seq == "none":
# Estimate reasonable values
nsamp, samp_seq = wfc3_GuessParams(jmag, disperser, scanDirection, subarray, obsTime, maxScanHeight, maxExptime, targetFluence, hmag)
# Calculate observation parameters
exptime, tottime, scanRate, scanHeight, fluence = wfc3_obs(jmag, disperser, scanDirection, subarray,
nsamp, samp_seq, targetFluence, hmag=hmag)
if scanHeight > maxScanHeight:
print(("****WARNING: Computed scan height exceeds maximum recommended height of %0.0f pixels." % maxScanHeight))
if exptime > maxExptime:
print(("****WARNING: Computed frame time (%0.0f seconds) exceeds maximum recommended duration of %0.0f seconds." % (exptime, maxExptime)))
# Compute number of data points (frames) per orbit
ptsOrbit = np.floor(obsTime/tottime)
# First point (frame) is always low, ignore when computing duty cycle
dutyCycle = (exptime*(ptsOrbit-1))/50./60*100
# Compute number of non-destructive reads per orbit
readsOrbit = ptsOrbit*(nsamp+1)
# Look for mid-orbit buffer dumps
if (subarray == 'grism256') and (readsOrbit >= 300) and (exptime <= 43):
"****WARNING: Observing plan may incur mid-orbit buffer dumps. Check with APT.")
if (subarray == 'grism512') and (readsOrbit >= 120) and (exptime <= 100):
"****WARNING: Observing plan may incur mid-orbit buffer dumps. Check with APT.")
# Compute number of HST orbits per transit
# ~96 minutes per HST orbit
orbitsTr = trdur*24.*60/96
# Estimate number of good points during planet transit
# First point in each HST orbit is flagged as bad; therefore, subtract from total
if orbitsTr < 0.5:
# Entire transit fits within one HST orbit
ptsInTr = ptsOrbit * orbitsTr/0.5 - 1
elif orbitsTr <= 1.5:
# Assume one orbit centered on mid-transit time
ptsInTr = ptsOrbit - 1
elif orbitsTr < 2.:
# Assume one orbit during full transit and one orbit during ingress/egress
ptsInTr = ptsOrbit * \
(np.floor(orbitsTr) +
np.min((1, np.remainder(orbitsTr-np.floor(orbitsTr)-0.5, 1)/0.5))) - 2
# Assume transit contains 2+ orbits timed to maximize # of data points.
ptsInTr = ptsOrbit * (np.floor(orbitsTr) + np.min(
(1, np.remainder(orbitsTr-np.floor(orbitsTr), 1)/0.5))) - np.ceil(orbitsTr)
# Estimate number of good points outside of transit
# Discard first HST orbit
ptsOutTr = (ptsOrbit-1) * (norbits-1) - ptsInTr
# Compute transit depth uncertainty per spectrophotometric channel
ratio = 10**((refmag - jmag)/2.5)
flux = ratio*refflux*exptime/refexptime
fluxvar = ratio*refvar*exptime/refexptime
chanflux = flux/nchan
chanvar = fluxvar/nchan
chanrms = np.sqrt(chanvar)/chanflux*1e6 # ppm
inTrrms = chanrms/np.sqrt(ptsInTr*numTr) # ppm
outTrrms = chanrms/np.sqrt(ptsOutTr*numTr) # ppm
deptherr = np.sqrt(inTrrms**2 + outTrrms**2) # ppm
info = {"Number of HST orbits": norbits,
"Use first orbit": useFirstOrbit,
"WFC3 parameters: NSAMP": nsamp,
"WFC3 parameters: SAMP_SEQ": samp_seq.upper(),
"Scan Direction": scanDirection,
"Recommended scan rate (arcsec/s)": scanRate,
"Scan height (pixels)": scanHeight,
"Maximum pixel fluence (electrons)": fluence,
"exposure time": exptime,
"Estimated duty cycle (outside of Earth occultation)": dutyCycle,
"Transit depth uncertainty(ppm)": deptherr,
"Number of channels": nchan,
"Number of Transits": numTr}
return {"spec_error": deptherr/1e6,
"light_curve_rms": chanrms/1e6,
"nframes_per_orb": ptsOrbit,
"info": info}
[docs]def calc_start_window(eventType, rms, ptsOrbit, numOrbits, depth, inc, aRs, period, windowSize, ecc=0, w=90., duration=None, offset=0., useFirstOrbit=False):
'''Calculate earliest and latest start times
Plot earliest and latest possible spectroscopic light curves for given start window size
eventType : str
'transit' or 'eclipse'
rms : float
light curve root-mean-square
ptsOrbit : int
number of frames per HST orbit
numOrbits : int
number of HST orbits per visit
depth : float
transit/eclipse depth
inc : float
orbital inclination in degrees
aRs : float
Semi-major axis in units of stellar radii (a/R*)
period : float
orbital period in days
windowSize : float
observation start window size in minutes
ecc : float
(Optional) eccentricity
w : float
(Optional) longitude of periastron in degrees
duration : float
(Optional) full transit/eclipse duration in days
offset : float
(Optional) manual offset in observation start time, in minutes
useFirstOrbit : bool
(Optional) whether to use first orbit
minphase--earliest observation start phase
maxphase--latest observation start phase
ptsOrbit = int(ptsOrbit)
numOrbits = int(numOrbits)
hstperiod = 96./60/24 # HST orbital period, days
punc = windowSize/120./24/period # Half start window size, in phase
cosi = np.cos(inc*np.pi/180) # Cosine of the inclination
rprs = np.sqrt(depth) # Planet-star radius ratio
params = batman.TransitParams()
if eventType == 'transit':
midpt = period
b = aRs*cosi*(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) # Impact parameter
# Account for planet speed on eccentric orbits
sfactor = np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1+ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180))
# limb darkening coefficients
params.u = [0.1, 0.1]
elif eventType == 'eclipse':
#midpt = period/2*(1+4*ecc*np.cos(w*np.pi/180)/np.pi)
midpt = calculate_tsec(period, ecc, w*np.pi/180, inc*np.pi/180, t0=0, tperi=None, winn_approximation=False)
b = aRs*cosi*(1-ecc**2)/(1-ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180)) # Impact parameter
# Account for planet speed on eccentric orbits
sfactor = np.sqrt(1-ecc**2)/(1-ecc*np.sin(w*np.pi/180))
# limb darkening coefficients
params.u = [0.0, 0.0]
print(("****HALTED: Unknown event type: %s" % eventType))
params.t0 = midpt/period # phase of transit/eclipse
params.per = 1. # orbital period, units are orbital phase
# planet radius (in units of stellar radii)
params.rp = rprs
# semi-major axis (in units of stellar radii)
params.a = aRs = inc # orbital inclination (in degrees)
params.ecc = ecc # eccentricity
params.w = w # longitude of periastron (in degrees)
params.limb_dark = "quadratic" # limb darkening model
# Transit/eclipse duration (in days)
if duration == None:
duration = period/np.pi * \
phase1 = (midpt + duration/2. - hstperiod*(numOrbits-2 -
useFirstOrbit) - hstperiod/2 + offset/24./60)/period
phase2 = (midpt - duration/2. - hstperiod*2 + offset/24./60)/period
minphase = (phase1+phase2)/2-punc
maxphase = (phase1+phase2)/2+punc
# Compute light curves at extremes of HST start window
npts = int(4 * ptsOrbit * numOrbits)
phdur = duration/period
phase1 = np.linspace(minphase+(1-useFirstOrbit)*hstperiod/period,
minphase+hstperiod/period*(numOrbits-1)+hstperiod/period/2, int(npts))
phase2 = np.linspace(maxphase+(1-useFirstOrbit)*hstperiod/period,
maxphase+hstperiod/period*(numOrbits-1)+hstperiod/period/2, int(npts))
m = batman.TransitModel(params, phase1)
trmodel1 = m.light_curve(params)
m = batman.TransitModel(params, phase2)
trmodel2 = m.light_curve(params)
obsphase1 = []
obsphase2 = []
for i in range(numOrbits):
obsphase1 = np.r_[obsphase1, np.linspace(
minphase+hstperiod/period*i, minphase+hstperiod/period*i+hstperiod/period/2, int(ptsOrbit))]
obsphase2 = np.r_[obsphase2, np.linspace(
maxphase+hstperiod/period*i, maxphase+hstperiod/period*i+hstperiod/period/2, int(ptsOrbit))]
m = batman.TransitModel(params, obsphase1)
obstr1 = m.light_curve(params) + np.random.normal(0, rms, obsphase1.shape)
m = batman.TransitModel(params, obsphase2)
obstr2 = m.light_curve(params) + np.random.normal(0, rms, obsphase2.shape)
return {'obsphase1': obsphase1, 'light_curve_rms': rms, 'obstr1': obstr1, 'obsphase2': obsphase2,
'obstr2': obstr2, 'minphase': minphase, 'maxphase': maxphase, 'phase1': phase1,
'phase2': phase2, 'trmodel1': trmodel1, 'trmodel2': trmodel2, 'eventType': eventType, 'planet period':period}
[docs]def planet_spec(planet, star, w_unit, disperser, deptherr, nchan, smooth=None):
'''Plot exoplanet transmission/emission spectrum
planet: dict
planet dictionary from exo_input
star : dict
star dictionary from exo_input
w_unit : str
wavelength unit (um or nm)
disperser :
grism (g102 or g141)
deptherr : float
simulated transit/eclipse depth uncertainty
nchan : float
number of spectrophotometric channels
smooth : float
(Optional)length of smoothing kernel
contains following keys {'model_wave','model_spec','binwave','binspec',
# Load model wavelengths and spectrum
mwave, mspec = hst_spec(planet, star) # np.loadtxt(specfile, unpack=True)
# Convert wavelength to microns
# if w_unit == 'um':
# pass
# elif w_unit == 'nm':
# mwave /= 1000.
# else:
# print(("****HALTED: Unrecognized wavelength unit: '%s'" % w_unit))
# return
# Smooth model spectrum (optional)
if smooth != None:
from .hst_smooth import smooth as sm
mspec = sm(mspec, smooth)
# Determine disperser wavelength boundaries
if disperser == 'g141':
wmin = 1.125
wmax = 1.650
elif disperser == 'g102':
wmin = 0.84
wmax = 1.13
print(("****HALTED: Unrecognized disperser name: '%s'" % disperser))
# Determine wavelength bins
binsize = (wmax - wmin)/nchan
wave_low = np.round([i for i in np.linspace(wmin, wmax-binsize, nchan)], 3)
wave_hi = np.round([i for i in np.linspace(wmin+binsize, wmax, nchan)], 3)
binwave = (wave_low + wave_hi)/2.
# Create simulated spectrum by binning model spectrum and addding uncertainty
binspec = np.zeros(nchan)
for i in range(nchan):
ispec = np.where((mwave >= wave_low[i])*(mwave <= wave_hi[i]))
binspec[i] = np.mean(mspec[ispec])
binspec += np.random.normal(0, deptherr, nchan)
return {'model_wave': mwave, 'model_spec': mspec, 'binwave': binwave, 'binspec': binspec,
'error': deptherr, 'wmin': wmin, 'wmax': wmax}
[docs]def compute_sim_lightcurve(exposureDict, lightCurveDict, calRamp=False):
"""Compute simulated HST light curves
Function to take the fluence and error estimates from wfc3_TExoNS
and the model light curve from calc_start_window to simulate observed
light curves. Ramp effect systemacts simulated by RECTE can be
included by turning on the calRamp switch
exposureDict : dict
Includes information for the observation. This dictionary is
returned by function wfc3_TExoNS. Relevant keys in the dictionary
are ['info']["Maximum pixel fluence (electrons)"] and
['info']['exposure time']
lightCurveDict : dict
Includes the model light curve. The light curves are estimed by
calRamp : bool (default: False)
Switch to turn on/off RECTE ramp calculation. Calculate realistic
ramp effect systematics when the switch is turned on.
Resulting light curve (unit: e/pixel) for the earliest and latest time
fluence = exposureDict['info']["Maximum pixel fluence (electrons)"]
exptime = exposureDict['info']['exposure time']
obst1 = (lightCurveDict['obsphase1'] -
lightCurveDict['obsphase1'][0]) *\
lightCurveDict['planet period'] * 86400 # in seconds
obst2 = (lightCurveDict['obsphase2'] -
lightCurveDict['obsphase2'][0]) *\
lightCurveDict['planet period'] * 86400 # in seconds
counts1 = lightCurveDict['obstr1'] * fluence
counts2 = lightCurveDict['obstr2'] * fluence
# use RECTE to calculate the ramp if calRamp option is turned on
if calRamp:
counts1 = RECTE(counts1 / exptime,
counts2 = RECTE(counts2 / exptime,
count_noise = lightCurveDict['light_curve_rms'] * fluence
resultDict = lightCurveDict.copy()
resultDict['counts1'] = counts1
resultDict['counts2'] = counts2
resultDict['count_noise'] = count_noise
resultDict['ramp_included'] = calRamp
resultDict['model_counts1'] = resultDict['trmodel1'] * fluence
resultDict['model_counts2'] = resultDict['trmodel2'] * fluence
return resultDict
[docs]def compute_sim_hst(dictinput,verbose=False):
"""Sets up HST simulations
Function to set up explanet observations for HST only and
compute simulated spectrum.
dictinput : dict
instrument and pandexo dictionaries in format {"pandeia_input":dict1, "pandexo_input":dict2}
All hst output info needed to plot simulated data, light curves timing info
pandexo_input = dictinput['pandexo_input']
pandeia_input = dictinput['pandeia_input']
disperser = pandeia_input['configuration']['instrument']['disperser'].lower()
# add a switch for ramp calculation
calRamp = pandeia_input['strategy']['calculateRamp']
if not pandeia_input['strategy']['useFirstOrbit']:
if verbose:print("Dropping first orbit designed by observation strategy")
if verbose:print("Do not calculate ramp profile")
calRamp = False
numorbits = pandeia_input['strategy']['norbits']
nchan = pandeia_input['strategy']['nchan']
windowSize = pandeia_input['strategy']['windowSize']
useFirstOrbit = pandeia_input['strategy']['useFirstOrbit']
calc_type = pandexo_input['planet']['type']
jmag = pandexo_input['star']['jmag']
hmag = pandexo_input['star']['hmag']
specfile = pandexo_input['planet']['exopath']
w_unit = pandexo_input['planet']['w_unit']
f_unit = pandexo_input['planet']['f_unit']
depth = pandexo_input['planet']['depth']
inc = pandexo_input['planet']['i']
aRs = pandexo_input['planet']['ars']
period = pandexo_input['planet']['period']
ecc = pandexo_input['planet']['ecc']
w = pandexo_input['planet']['w']
offset = pandeia_input['strategy']['offset']
offset = 0.
# check to see if ecc or w was provided
if (type(ecc) != float) and (type(ecc) != int):
ecc = 0.0
if (type(w) != float) and (type(w) != int):
w = 90.0
if (type(windowSize) != float) and (type(windowSize) != int):
windowSize = 20.0
if f_unit == "rp^2/r*^2":
eventType = 'transit'
elif f_unit == "fp/f*":
eventType = 'eclipse'
elif calc_type == 'grid':
eventType = 'transit'
raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick rp^2/r*^2 or fp/f*')
a = wfc3_TExoNS(dictinput)
b = calc_start_window(eventType, a['light_curve_rms'], a['nframes_per_orb'], a['info']['Number of HST orbits'],
depth, inc, aRs, period, windowSize, ecc, w, useFirstOrbit=useFirstOrbit, offset=offset)
c = planet_spec(pandexo_input['planet'], pandexo_input['star'],
w_unit, disperser, a['spec_error'], nchan, smooth=20)
info_div = create_out_div(a['info'], b['minphase'], b['maxphase'])
simLightCurve = compute_sim_lightcurve(a, b, calRamp=calRamp)
return {"wfc3_TExoNS": a,
"calc_start_window": b,
"planet_spec": c,
"light_curve": simLightCurve,
"info_div": info_div}
[docs]def create_out_div(input_dict, minphase, maxphase):
"""Function to render input dicts in html format for web front end
input_dict : dict
any input dictionary
html rendered table
input_dict['Start observations between orbital phases'] = str(
input_div = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(input_dict, orient='index')
input_div.columns = ['Value']
input_div = input_div.to_html()
input_div = '<table class="table table-striped"> \n' + \
input_div = input_div.encode()
return input_div
[docs]def calculate_tsec(period, ecc, omega, inc, t0 = None, tperi = None, winn_approximation = False):
''' Function to calculate the time of secondary eclipse.
This uses Halley's method (Newton-Raphson, but using second derivatives) to first find the true anomaly (f) at which secondary eclipse occurs,
then uses this to get the eccentric anomaly (E) at secondary eclipse, which gives the mean anomaly (M) at secondary
eclipse using Kepler's equation. This finally leads to the time of secondary eclipse using the definition of the mean
anomaly (M = n*(t - tau) --- here tau is the time of pericenter passage, n = 2*pi/period the mean motion).
Time inputs can be either the time of periastron passage directly or the time of transit center. If the latter, the
true anomaly for primary transit will be calculated using Halley's method as well, and this will be used to get the
time of periastron passage.
period : float
The period of the transit in days.
ecc : float
Eccentricity of the orbit
omega : float
Argument of periastron passage (in radians)
inc : string
Inclination of the orbit (in radians)
t0 : float
The transit time in BJD or HJD (will be used to get time of periastron passage).
tperi : float
The time of periastron passage in BJD or HJD (needed if t0 is not supplied).
winn_approximation : boolean
If True, the approximation in Winn (2010) is used --- (only valid for not very eccentric and inclined orbits).
tsec : float
The time of secondary eclipse '''
# Check user is not playing trick on us:
if period<0:
raise Exception('Period cannot be a negative number.')
if ecc<0 or ecc>1:
raise Exception('Eccentricity (e) is out of bounds (0 < e < 1).')
# Use true anomaly approximation given in Winn (2010) as starting point:
f_occ_0 = (-0.5*np.pi) - omega
if not winn_approximation:
f_occ = optimize.newton(drsky, f_occ_0, fprime = drsky_prime, fprime2 = drsky_2prime, args = (ecc, omega, inc,))
f_occ = f_occ_0
# Define the mean motion, n:
n = 2.*np.pi/period
# If time of transit center is given, use it to calculate the time of periastron passage. If no time of periastron
# or time-of-transit center given, raise error:
if tperi is None:
# For this, find true anomaly during transit. Use Winn (2010) as starting point:
f_tra_0 = (np.pi/2.) - omega
if not winn_approximation:
f_tra = optimize.newton(drsky, f_tra_0, fprime = drsky_prime, fprime2 = drsky_2prime, args = (ecc, omega, inc,))
f_tra = f_tra_0
# Get eccentric anomaly during transit:
E = getE(f_tra, ecc)
# Get mean anomaly during transit:
M = getM(E, ecc)
# Get time of periastron passage from mean anomaly definition:
tperi = t0 - (M/n)
elif (tperi is None) and (t0 is None):
raise ValueError('The time of periastron passage or time-of-transit center has to be supplied for the calculation to work.')
# Get eccentric anomaly:
E = getE(f_occ, ecc)
# Get mean anomaly during secondary eclipse:
M = getM(E, ecc)
# Get the time of secondary eclipse using the definition of the mean anomaly:
tsec = (M/n) + tperi
# Note returned time-of-secondary eclipse is the closest to the time of periastron passage and/or time-of-transit center. Check that
# the returned tsec is the *next* tsec to the time of periastron or t0 (i.e., the closest *future* tsec):
if t0 is not None:
tref = t0
tref = tperi
if tref > tsec:
while True:
tsec += period
if tsec > tref:
return tsec
[docs]def drsky_2prime(x, ecc, omega, inc):
''' Second derivative of function drsky. This is the second derivative with respect to f of the drsky function.
x : float
True anomaly
ecc : float
Eccentricity of the orbit
omega : float
Argument of periastron passage (in radians)
inc : float
Inclination of the orbit (in radians)
drsky_2prime : float
Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc'''
sq_sini = np.sin(inc)**2
sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x+omega)
cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x+omega)
ecosf = ecc*np.cos(x)
esinf = ecc*np.sin(x)
f1 = esinf - esinf*sq_sini*(sin_o_p_f**2)
f2 = -sq_sini*(ecosf + 4.)*(sin_o_p_f*cos_o_p_f)
return f1+f2
[docs]def drsky_prime(x, ecc, omega, inc):
''' Derivative of function drsky. This is the first derivative with respect to f of the drsky function.
x : float
True anomaly
ecc : float
Eccentricity of the orbit
omega : float
Argument of periastron passage (in radians)
inc : float
Inclination of the orbit (in radians)
drsky_prime : float
Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc'''
sq_sini = np.sin(inc)**2
sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x+omega)
cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x+omega)
ecosf = ecc*np.cos(x)
esinf = ecc*np.sin(x)
f1 = (cos_o_p_f**2 - sin_o_p_f**2)*(sq_sini)*(1. + ecosf)
f2 = -ecosf*(1 - (sin_o_p_f**2)*(sq_sini))
f3 = esinf*sin_o_p_f*cos_o_p_f*sq_sini
return f1+f2+f3
[docs]def drsky(x, ecc, omega, inc):
''' Function whose roots we wish to find to obtain time of secondary (and primary) eclipse(s)
When one takes the derivative of equation (5) in Winn (2010;, and equates that to zero (to find the
minimum/maximum of said function), one gets to an equation of the form g(x) = 0. This function (drsky) is g(x), where x is the true
x : float
True anomaly
ecc : float
Eccentricity of the orbit
omega : float
Argument of periastron passage (in radians)
inc : float
Inclination of the orbit (in radians)
drsky : float
Function evaluated at x, ecc, omega, inc '''
sq_sini = np.sin(inc)**2
sin_o_p_f = np.sin(x+omega)
cos_o_p_f = np.cos(x+omega)
f1 = sin_o_p_f*cos_o_p_f*sq_sini*(1. + ecc*np.cos(x))
f2 = ecc*np.sin(x)*(1. - sin_o_p_f**2 * sq_sini)
return f1 - f2
[docs]def getE(f,ecc):
""" Function that returns the eccentric anomaly
Note normally this is defined in terms of cosines (see, e.g., Section 2.4 in Murray and Dermott), but numerically
this is troublesome because the arccosine doesn't handle negative numbers by definition (equation 2.43). That's why
the arctan version is better as signs are preserved (derivation is also in the same section, equation 2.46).
f : float
True anomaly
ecc : float
E : float
Eccentric anomaly """
return 2. * np.arctan(np.sqrt((1.-ecc)/(1.+ecc))*np.tan(f/2.))
[docs]def getM(E, ecc):
""" Function that returns the mean anomaly using Kepler's equation
E : float
Eccentric anomaly
ecc: float
M : float
Mean anomaly """
return E - ecc*np.sin(E)