Source code for engine.create_input

import numpy as np 
import pickle
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import *   
import astropy.units as u 
import astropy.constants as c
import os 
from astropy.modeling.models import BlackBody
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
    import pysynphot as psyn
[docs]def outTrans(input) : """Compute out of transit spectra Computes the out of transit spectra by normalizing flux to specified magnitude and convert to specified Pandeia units of milliJy and microns. Parameters ---------- input : dict stellar scene which includes parameters to extract phoenix database or a filename which points to a stellar spectrum Return ------ dict contains wave and flux_out_trans """ ref_wave = float(input['ref_wave']) mag = float(input['mag']) ################# USER #################################### if input['type'] == 'user': if isinstance(input['starpath'], dict): star = input['starpath'] else: #if isinstance(input['starpath'], str): star = np.genfromtxt(input['starpath'], dtype=(float, float), names='w, f') #get flux flux = star['f'] #star.field(input['logg']) #get wavelength and reference wavelength for mag normalization wave = star['w'] #star.field('WAVELENGTH') #sort if not in ascending order sort = np.array([wave,flux]).T sort= sort[sort[:,0].argsort()] wave = sort[:,0] flux = sort[:,1] if input['w_unit'] == 'um': PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS = 'um' elif input['w_unit'] == 'nm': PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS = 'nm' elif input['w_unit'] == 'cm' : PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS = 'cm' elif input['w_unit'] == 'Angs' : PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS = 'angstrom' elif input['w_unit'] == 'Hz' : PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS = 'Hz' else: raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick um, nm, cm, hz, or Angs') #convert to photons/s/nm/m^2 for flux normalization based on # if input['f_unit'] == 'Jy': PANDEIA_FLUXUNITS = 'jy' elif input['f_unit'] == 'FLAM' : PANDEIA_FLUXUNITS = 'FLAM' elif input['f_unit'] == 'erg/cm2/s/Hz': flux = flux*1e23 PANDEIA_FLUXUNITS = 'jy' else: raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick FLAM or Jy or erg/cm2/s/Hz') sp = psyn.ArraySpectrum(wave, flux, waveunits=PANDEIA_WAVEUNITS, fluxunits=PANDEIA_FLUXUNITS) #Convert evrything to nanometer for converstion based on sp.convert("nm") sp.convert('jy') ############ PHOENIX ################################################ elif input['type'] =='phoenix': #make sure metal is not out of bounds if input['metal'] > 0.5: input['metal'] = 0.5 sp = psyn.Icat("phoenix", input['temp'], input['metal'], input['logg']) sp.convert("nm") sp.convert("jy") wave = sp.wave flux = sp.flux input['w_unit'] ='nm' input['f_unit'] = 'jy' else: raise Exception('Wrong input type for stellar spectra') ############ NORMALIZATION ################################################ refdata = os.environ.get("PYSYN_CDBS") all_bps = {"H": 'bessell_h_004_syn.fits', "J":'bessell_j_003_syn.fits' , "K": 'bessell_k_003_syn.fits'} if (ref_wave <= 1.3) & (ref_wave >= 1.2): filt = 'J' elif (ref_wave <= 1.7) & (ref_wave >= 1.6): filt = 'H' elif (ref_wave <= 2.3) & (ref_wave >= 2.1): filt = 'K' else: raise Exception('Only J H and K zeropoints are included') bp_path = os.path.join(refdata, "comp", "nonhst", all_bps[filt]) if not os.path.exists(bp_path): raise Exception("Oops! PandExo 2.0 now requires users to download this file it will untar with the structure grp/redcat/trds. Please place the directories nonhst and comp into this folder: "+refdata) bp = psyn.FileBandpass(bp_path) sp.convert('angstroms') bp.convert('angstroms') rn_sp = sp.renorm(mag, 'vegamag', bp) rn_sp.convert("microns") rn_sp.convert("mjy") flux_out_trans = rn_sp.flux wave = rn_sp.wave return {'flux_out_trans': flux_out_trans, 'wave': wave,'phoenix':sp}
[docs]def bothTrans(out_trans, planet,star=None) : """Calculates in transit flux Takes output from `outTrans`, which is the normalized stellar flux, and creates either a transit transmission spectrum, phase curve or emission spectrum. Magnitude Parameters ---------- out_trans: dict includes dictionary from `outTrans` output. planet: dict dictionary with direction to planet spectra, wavelength and flux units star: dict (Optional) dictionary within exo_input with stellar information. Only used when scaling Fortney Grid spectra to get (rp/r*)^2 Return ------ dict dictionary with out of transit flux, in transit flux, original model and corresponding wavelengths """ if planet['type'] =='user': if isinstance(planet['exopath'], dict): load_file = planet['exopath'] else: #if isinstance(planet['exopath'], str): load_file = np.genfromtxt(planet['exopath'], dtype=(float, float), names='w, f') #get wavelength wave_planet = load_file['w'] #get planet flux flux_planet = load_file['f'] #sort if not in ascending order sort = np.array([wave_planet,flux_planet]).T sort= sort[sort[:,0].argsort()] wave_planet = sort[:,0] flux_planet = sort[:,1] ############## IF USER SELECTS CONSTANT VALUE ################## elif planet['type'] == 'constant': rplan = (planet['radius']*u.Unit(planet['r_unit'])).to( rstar = (star['radius']*u.Unit(star['r_unit'])).to( #constant transit depth if planet['f_unit'] == 'rp^2/r*^2': wave_planet = np.linspace(0.5,15,1000) planet['depth'] = float(rplan**2 / rstar**2) flux_planet = np.linspace(0.5,15,1000)*0 + planet['depth'] planet['w_unit'] = 'um' #constant fp/f* (using out_trans from user) elif planet['f_unit'] == 'fp/f*': planet['w_unit'] = 'um' wave_planet = out_trans['wave'][(out_trans['wave']>0.5) & (out_trans['wave']<15)] flux_star = (out_trans['phoenix'].flux*(u.Jy)).to(u.mJy)[(out_trans['wave']>0.5) & (out_trans['wave']<15)] #MAKING SURE TO ADD IN SUPID PI FOR PER STERADIAN!!!! bb = BlackBody(temperature=planet['temp']*u.K) flux_planet = (bb(wave_planet*u.micron)*np.pi* # ( bb planet / pheonix sed ) * (rp/r*)^2 flux_planet = np.array((flux_planet/flux_star) * (rplan/rstar)**2.0) ############## IF USER SELECTS TO PULL FROM GRID ################## elif planet['type'] =='grid': try: db = create_engine('sqlite:///'+os.environ.get('FORTGRID_DIR')) header= pd.read_sql_table('header',db) except: raise Exception('Fortney Grid File Path is incorrect, or not initialized') #radius of star try: rstar = (star['radius']*u.Unit(star['r_unit'])).to( except: raise Exception("Radius of Star not supplied for scaling. Check exo_input['star']['radius']") #radius of planet try: rplan = (planet['radius']*u.Unit(planet['r_unit'])).to( except: planet['radius'] = (1.25*c.R_jup).to( rplan = planet['radius'] print('Default Planet Radius of 1.25 Rj given') #clouds if planet['cloud'].find('flat') != -1: planet['flat'] = int(planet['cloud'][4:]) planet['ray'] = 0 elif planet['cloud'].find('ray') != -1: planet['ray'] = int(planet['cloud'][3:]) planet['flat'] = 0 elif int(planet['cloud']) == 0: planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 else: planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 print('No cloud parameter not specified, default no clouds added') #chemistry if planet['chem'] == 'noTiO': planet['noTiO'] = True planet['eqchem'] = True if planet['chem'] == 'eqchem': planet['noTiO'] = False planet['eqchem'] = True #grid does not allow clouds for cases with TiO planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 #we are only using gravity of 25 and scaling by mass from there fort_grav = 25.0*u.m/u.s/u.s df = header.loc[(header.gravity==fort_grav) & (header.temp==planet['temp']) & (header.noTiO==planet['noTiO']) & (header.ray==planet['ray']) & (header.flat==planet['flat'])] wave_planet=np.array(pd.read_sql_table(df['name'].values[0],db)['wavelength'])[::-1] r_lambda=np.array(pd.read_sql_table(df['name'].values[0],db)['radius'])* z_lambda = r_lambda- (1.25*u.R_jup).to( #all fortney models have fixed 1.25 radii #scale with planetary mass try: mass = (planet['mass']*u.Unit(planet['m_unit'])).to( gravity = c.G*(mass)/(**2.0 #convert radius to m for gravity units #scale lambbda (this technically ignores the fact that scaleheight is altitude dependent) #therefore, it will not be valide for very very low gravities z_lambda = z_lambda*fort_grav/gravity except: #keep original z lambda gravity=25.0 z_lambda = z_lambda*fort_grav/fort_grav print('Default Planet Gravity of 25 m/s2 given') #create new wavelength dependent R based on scaled ravity r_lambda = z_lambda + rplan #finally compute (rp/r*)^2 flux_planet = np.array(r_lambda**2/rstar**2)[::-1] planet['w_unit'] = 'um' planet['f_unit'] = 'rp^2/r*^2' else: raise Exception("Incorrect Planet Type. Options are 'user','constant','grid'") #Convert wave to micron if planet['w_unit'] == 'um': wave_planet = wave_planet elif planet['w_unit'] == 'nm': wave_planet = wave_planet*1e-3 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'cm': wave_planet = wave_planet*1e4 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'Angs' : wave_planet = wave_planet*1e-4 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'Hz' : wave_planet = 3e17/wave_planet elif planet['w_unit'] == 'sec' : wave_planet = wave_planet else: raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick um, nm, cm, Angs or sec.') if planet['w_unit'] == 'sec' : #star flux to feed into pandeia time = wave_planet flux_star = out_trans['flux_out_trans'] wave_star = out_trans['wave'] if planet['f_unit'] == 'fp/f*' : flux_planet = flux_planet else: print("Seconds with rp^2/r*^2 units not an option. Switch to Fp/F*") return return {'time':time, 'wave':wave_star,'flux_out_trans':flux_star, 'planet_phase':flux_planet, 'model_wave':time, 'model_spec':flux_planet, 'frac':(1.+flux_planet)} else: #star flux to calc transit depth flux_star = out_trans['flux_out_trans'] wave_star = out_trans['wave'] #give them same wave min and wave max wavemin = max([min(wave_planet), min(wave_star),0.5]) wavemax = min([max(wave_planet),max(wave_star),15]) flux_planet = flux_planet[(wave_planet>wavemin) & (wave_planet<wavemax)] wave_planet = wave_planet[(wave_planet>wavemin) & (wave_planet<wavemax)] flux_out_trans = np.interp(wave_planet, wave_star, flux_star) #convert to 1-depth if planet['f_unit'] == 'rp^2/r*^2' : depth_fraction = 1.-flux_planet flux_in_trans = depth_fraction*flux_out_trans elif planet['f_unit'] == 'fp/f*': depth_fraction = (1.0 + flux_planet) flux_in_trans = flux_out_trans*(1.0 + flux_planet) else: raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick rp^2/r*^2 or fp/f*') results= {'wave':wave_planet, 'flux_in_trans': flux_in_trans, 'flux_out_trans':flux_out_trans, 'model_wave':wave_planet, 'model_spec': flux_planet, 'frac':depth_fraction} return results
[docs]def hst_spec(planet,star) : """Calculates in transit flux Takes output from `outTrans`, which is the normalized stellar flux, and creates either a transit transmission spectrum, phase curve or emission spectrum. Magnitude Parameters ---------- planet: dict dictionary with direction to planet spectra, wavelength and flux units star: dict dictionary within exo_input with stellar information. Only used when scaling Fortney Grid spectra to get (rp/r*)^2 Return ------ dict dictionary with out of transit flux, in transit flux, original model and corresponding wavelengths """ if planet['type'] =='user': load_file = np.genfromtxt(planet['exopath'], dtype=(float, float), names='w, f') #get wavelength wave_planet = load_file['w'] #get planet flux flux_planet = load_file['f'] #sort if not in ascending order sort = np.array([wave_planet,flux_planet]).T sort= sort[sort[:,0].argsort()] wave_planet = sort[:,0] flux_planet = sort[:,1] ############## IF USER SELECTS CONSTANT VALUE ################## elif planet['type'] == 'constant': rplan = (planet['radius']*u.Unit(planet['r_unit'])).to( rstar = (star['radius']*u.Unit(star['r_unit'])).to( #constant transit depth if planet['f_unit'] == 'rp^2/r*^2': wave_planet = np.linspace(0.1,3,500) planet['depth'] = float(rplan**2 / rstar**2) flux_planet = np.linspace(0.1,3,500)*0 + planet['depth'] planet['w_unit'] = 'um' #constant fp/f* (using out_trans from user) elif planet['f_unit'] == 'fp/f*': planet['w_unit'] = 'um' wave_planet = np.linspace(0.1,3,500) bb = BlackBody(temperature=star['temp']*u.K) flux_star = (bb(wave_planet*u.micron)*np.pi* #MAKING SURE TO ADD IN SUPID PI FOR PER STERADIAN!!!! bb = BlackBody(temperature=planet['temp']*u.K) flux_planet = (bb(wave_planet*u.micron)*np.pi* # ( bb planet / pheonix sed ) * (rp/r*)^2 flux_planet = np.array((flux_planet/flux_star) * (rplan/rstar)**2.0) ############## IF USER SELECTS TO PULL FROM GRID ################## elif planet['type'] =='grid': try: db = create_engine('sqlite:///'+os.environ.get('FORTGRID_DIR')) header= pd.read_sql_table('header',db) except: raise Exception('Fortney Grid File Path is incorrect, or not initialized') #radius of star try: rstar = (star['radius']*u.Unit(star['r_unit'])).to( except: raise Exception("Radius of Star not supplied for scaling. Check exo_input['star']['radius']") #radius of planet try: rplan = (planet['radius']*u.Unit(planet['r_unit'])).to( except: planet['radius'] = (1.25*c.R_jup).to( rplan = planet['radius'] print('Default Planet Radius of 1.25 Rj given') #clouds if planet['cloud'].find('flat') != -1: planet['flat'] = int(planet['cloud'][4:]) planet['ray'] = 0 elif planet['cloud'].find('ray') != -1: planet['ray'] = int(planet['cloud'][3:]) planet['flat'] = 0 elif int(planet['cloud']) == 0: planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 else: planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 print('No cloud parameter not specified, default no clouds added') #chemistry if planet['chem'] == 'noTiO': planet['noTiO'] = True planet['eqchem'] = True if planet['chem'] == 'eqchem': planet['noTiO'] = False planet['eqchem'] = True #grid does not allow clouds for cases with TiO planet['flat'] = 0 planet['ray'] = 0 #we are only using gravity of 25 and scaling by mass from there fort_grav = 25.0*u.m/u.s/u.s df = header.loc[(header.gravity==fort_grav) & (header.temp==planet['temp']) & (header.noTiO==planet['noTiO']) & (header.ray==planet['ray']) & (header.flat==planet['flat'])] wave_planet=np.array(pd.read_sql_table(df['name'].values[0],db)['wavelength'])[::-1] r_lambda=np.array(pd.read_sql_table(df['name'].values[0],db)['radius'])* z_lambda = r_lambda- (1.25*u.R_jup).to( #all fortney models have fixed 1.25 radii #scale with planetary mass try: mass = (planet['mass']*u.Unit(planet['m_unit'])).to( gravity = c.G*(mass)/(**2.0 #convert radius to m for gravity units #scale lambbda (this technically ignores the fact that scaleheight is altitude dependent) #therefore, it will not be valide for very very low gravities z_lambda = z_lambda*fort_grav/gravity except: #keep original z lambda gravity=25.0 z_lambda = z_lambda*fort_grav/fort_grav print('Default Planet Gravity of 25 m/s2 given') #create new wavelength dependent R based on scaled ravity r_lambda = z_lambda + rplan #finally compute (rp/r*)^2 flux_planet = np.array(r_lambda**2/rstar**2)[::-1] planet['w_unit'] = 'um' planet['f_unit'] = 'rp^2/r*^2' else: raise Exception("Incorrect Planet Type. Options are 'user','constant','grid'") #Convert wave to micron if planet['w_unit'] == 'um': wave_planet = wave_planet elif planet['w_unit'] == 'nm': wave_planet = wave_planet*1e-3 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'cm': wave_planet = wave_planet*1e4 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'Angs' : wave_planet = wave_planet*1e-4 elif planet['w_unit'] == 'Hz' : wave_planet = 3e17/wave_planet else: raise Exception('Units are not correct. Pick um, nm, cm, Angs or sec.') return wave_planet, flux_planet