Source code for engine.compute_noise
import numpy as np
[docs]class ExtractSpec():
"""Different methods for computing noise.
PandExo has several different methods of computing noise.
MULTIACCUM (slope method) assumses that each frame is fit for up the ramp and
that the final nosie includes correlated noise from fitting each frame up the ramp.
First Minus Last assumes that intermediate frames are not used and final noise is just
the first frame minus the last frame. 2d extract uses Pandeia's 2d simualtions to
extracts the spectrum from the 2d extraction box. It extracts the entire postage stamp
so it might be an overestimate of flux (in contrast pandeia requires background
extraction region to be at least equal to the flux extraction region)
Noise Components Included:
- Shot
- Background and Dark Current
- Read noise
inn : dict
In transit dictionary computed from PandExo
out : dict
Out of transit dictionary comptued from PandExo
rn : float
Read noise electrons
extraction_area : float
Number of extracted pixels (square pixels)
timing : dict
Dictionary of computed JWST timing products
extracts pixels from center to bottom
extracts pixels from center to top
sums pixels in optimal extraction region
determines optimal extraction region
top level to extract spec from 2d pandeia output
computes noise using multiaccum formulation
computs noise using first minus last
computs noise for phase curve observations
def __init__(self, inn, out, rn, extraction_area, timing):
self.inn = inn
self.out = out
self.ngroups_per_int = timing["APT: Num Groups per Integration"]
self.nint_out = timing["Num Integrations Out of Transit"]
self.nint_in = timing["Num Integrations In Transit"]
self.tframe = timing["Seconds per Frame"]
self.rn = rn
self.extraction_area = extraction_area
#on source out versus in
self.exptime_per_int = self.tframe * (self.ngroups_per_int-1.0)
self.on_source_in = self.tframe * (self.ngroups_per_int-1.0) * self.nint_in
self.on_source_out = self.tframe * (self.ngroups_per_int-1.0) * self.nint_out
[docs] def loopingL(self, cen, signal_col, noise_col, bkg_col):
"""Finds bottom of the optimal extraction region.
Find location where SNR is the highest and loop from highest value downward
cen : float or int
Pixel where SNR is the highest
signal_col : array of float
Array of fluxes to be extracted in a single column on the detector
noise_col : array of float
Array of noise to be extracted in a single column on the detector
bkg_col : array of float
Array of background fluxes to be extracted in a single column on the detector
Bottom most pixel to be extracted
#create function to find location where SNR is the highest
#loop from the highest value of the signal downward
sn_old= 0
for ii in range(0,cen+1): #0,1,2,3,4,5 range(0,6).. center=5
sig_sum = sum(signal_col[cen-ii:cen+1])
noi_sum = np.sqrt(sum(noise_col[cen-ii:cen+1]))
bkg_sum = sum(bkg_col[cen-ii:cen+1])
sn_new = sig_sum/noi_sum
if sn_old >=sn_new:
return cen-ii+1
sn_old = sn_new
return 0
[docs] def loopingU(self, cen, signal_col, noise_col, bkg_col):
"""Finds top of the optimal extraction region.
Find location where SNR is the highest and loop from highest value upward
cen : float or int
Pixel where SNR is the highest
signal_col : array of float
Array of fluxes to be extracted in a single column on the detector
noise_col : array of float
Array of noise to be extracted in a single column on the detector
bkg_col : array of float
Array of background fluxes to be extracted in a single column on the detector
Top most pixel to be extracted
sn_old= 0
for ii in range(1,(len(signal_col)-cen+1)): #1,2,3,4,5,6 range(1,6).. center=5, edge =10
sig_sum = sum(signal_col[cen:cen+ii])
noi_sum = np.sqrt(sum(noise_col[cen:cen+ii]))
bkg_sum = sum(bkg_col[cen:cen+ii])
sn_new = sig_sum/noi_sum
if sn_old >=sn_new:
return cen+ii-1
sn_old = sn_new
return len(signal_col)+1
[docs] def sum_spatial(self, extract_info):
"""Sum pixel in the spatial direction
Takes extraction info from `extract_region` and sums pixels in that region
taking into account integrations and number of transits
extract_info : dict
Dictionary with information on extraction box, flux and noise products
Dictionary with all extracted 1d products including noise, background, fluxes
nint_in = self.nint_in
nint_out = self.nint_out
LBout = extract_info['bounds']['LBout']
LBin = extract_info['bounds']['LBin']
UBin = extract_info['bounds']['UBin']
UBout = extract_info['bounds']['UBout']
photon_sig_in = extract_info['photons']['photon_sig_in']
photon_sig_out = extract_info['photons']['photon_sig_out']
var_pix_in = extract_info['photons']['var_pix_in']
var_pix_out = extract_info['photons']['var_pix_out']
photon_sky_in = extract_info['noise']['photon_sky_in']
photon_sky_out = extract_info['noise']['photon_sky_out']
rn_var_in = extract_info['noise']['rn_var_in']
rn_var_out = extract_info['noise']['rn_var_out']
rr, lenw = photon_sig_in.shape
# sum spectrum in the spatial direction to create 1d spectrum
photon_out_1d = range(0,lenw)
photon_in_1d = range(0,lenw)
var_out_1d = range(0,lenw)
var_in_1d = range(0,lenw)
sky_in_1d = range(0,lenw)
sky_out_1d = range(0,lenw)
rn_in_1d = range(0,lenw)
rn_out_1d = range(0,lenw)
#sum 2d spectrum in extraction region in spatial direciton to create 1d spec
for i in range(0,lenw):
photon_out_1d[i] = sum(photon_sig_out[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_out
photon_in_1d[i] = sum(photon_sig_in[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_in
var_out_1d[i] = sum(var_pix_out[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_out
var_in_1d[i] = sum(var_pix_in[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_in
sky_out_1d[i] = sum(photon_sky_out[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_out
sky_in_1d[i] = sum(photon_sky_in[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_in
rn_out_1d[i] = sum(rn_var_out[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_out
rn_in_1d[i] = sum(rn_var_in[LBout[i]:UBout[i],i])*nint_in
photon_out_1d = np.array(photon_out_1d)
photon_in_1d = np.array(photon_in_1d)
var_out_1d = np.array(var_out_1d)
var_in_1d = np.array(var_in_1d)
sky_in_1d = np.array(sky_in_1d)
sky_out_1d = np.array(sky_out_1d)
rn_out_1d = np.array(rn_out_1d)
rn_in_1d = np.array(rn_in_1d)
return {'photon_out_1d':photon_out_1d, 'photon_in_1d':photon_in_1d,
'var_in_1d':var_in_1d, 'var_out_1d':var_out_1d,
'rn[out,in]':[rn_out_1d,rn_in_1d],'bkg[out,in]': [sky_in_1d,sky_out_1d],
[docs] def extract_region(self): #second to last
"""Determine extraction Region
Contains functionality to determine extraction region from Pandeia 2d noise
simulations. Calls `self.loopingL` and `self.loopingU`.
bounding regions, photon and noise to be summed
inn = self.inn
out = self.out
exptime_per_int = self.exptime_per_int
ngroups_per_int = self.ngroups_per_int
#Full variance including all noise sources
#Standard deviation (i.e. sqrt(detector_var))
#signal (no noise no background)
s_out = out.signals[0].rate
s_in = inn.signals[0].rate
#size of wavelength direction
rr,lenw = s_out.shape
bkgd_out = out.signals[0].rate_plus_bg - out.signals[0].rate
bkgd_in = inn.signals[0].rate_plus_bg - inn.signals[0].rate
#define psf center based on max value on detector
cenRo,cenCo = np.unravel_index(s_out.argmax(), s_out.shape)
cenRi,cenCi = np.unravel_index(s_out.argmax(), s_in.shape)
#define out of transit parameters to calculate extraction region
#multiaccum sample data factor
factor_flux = 1.0 #6.0/5.0*(ngroups_per_int**2.0+1.0)/(ngroups_per_int**2.0+ngroups_per_int)
factor_rn = 1.0 #12.0*(ngroups_per_int-1.0)/(ngroups_per_int**2.0 + ngroups_per_int)
photon_sig_out = s_out*exptime_per_int*factor_flux #total photons per pixel in signal
photon_sky_out = bkgd_out*exptime_per_int*factor_flux #total photons per pixel in background
#variance stricly due to detector readnoise.. You might think this is
#wrong because usually RN isnt multiplie by time.. but Pandeia gives RN in rms/ sec.
rn_var_out= out.noise.var_rn_pix*exptime_per_int*factor_rn
var_pix_out = photon_sig_out + photon_sky_out + rn_var_out # variance of noise per pixel
#define parameters for IN transit
photon_sig_in = s_in*exptime_per_int*factor_flux #total photons per pixel in signal
photon_sky_in = bkgd_in*exptime_per_int*factor_flux #total photons per pixel in background
rn_var_in= inn.noise.var_rn_pix*exptime_per_int*factor_rn #variance stricly due to detector readnoise
var_pix_in = photon_sig_in + photon_sky_in + rn_var_in # variance of noise per pixel
UBout = range(0,lenw)
LBout = range(0,lenw)
UBin = range(0,lenw)
LBin = range(0,lenw)
#start new loop over column
for j in range(0,lenw):
#define column of interest
noise_col_out = var_pix_out[:, j]
signal_col_out = photon_sig_out[:,j]
bkg_col_out = photon_sky_out[:,j]
rn_col_out = rn_var_out[:,j]
noise_col_in = var_pix_in[:, j]
signal_col_in = photon_sig_in[:,j]
bkg_col_in = photon_sky_in[:,j]
#store lower and upper bound extraction regions for in and out of transit
LBout[j] = self.loopingL(cenRo, signal_col_out, noise_col_out, bkg_col_out)
UBout[j] = self.loopingU(cenRo, signal_col_out, noise_col_out, bkg_col_out)
LBin[j] = self.loopingL(cenRi, signal_col_in, noise_col_in, bkg_col_in )
UBin[j] = self.loopingU(cenRi, signal_col_in, noise_col_in, bkg_col_in)
#this could be made more elegant later... not very efficient
noise = {'rn_var_out':rn_var_out, 'rn_var_in':rn_var_in,
'photon_sky_in':photon_sky_in, 'photon_sky_out': photon_sky_out }
bounds = {'LBout':LBout, 'UBout':UBout, 'LBin':LBin, 'UBin':UBin}
photons = {'photon_sig_out': photon_sig_out, 'photon_sig_in':photon_sig_in,
'var_pix_in':var_pix_in,'var_pix_out': var_pix_out}
extract_info ={'bounds':bounds, 'photons':photons, 'noise':noise}
return extract_info
[docs] def run_2d_extract(self):
"""Extract noise from 2d detector image
Contains functionality to extract noise from 2d detector image
all optimally extracted 1d products
#optimize SNR and extract region
extract = self.extract_region()
#return summed up pixels
return self.sum_spatial(extract)
[docs] def run_slope_method(self):
"""Compute noise using Pandeia 1d noise
Contains functionality to compute noise using Pandeia 1d noise
output products (uses MULTIACCUM) noise formula
all optimally extracted 1d products for a single occultation
#on source out versus in
on_source_in = self.on_source_in
on_source_out = self.on_source_out
curves_out = self.out['1d']
curves_inn = self.inn['1d']
#background + contamination extracted
#not used for noise calculations, just
#used for output
bkg_flux_inn = curves_inn['extracted_bg_only'][1] * on_source_in
bkg_flux_out = curves_out['extracted_bg_only'][1] * on_source_out
#calculate rn
rn_var = 2.0*self.rn**2.0
#1d rn = rn/pix * # of integrations * #extraction area
#not used for noise calcualtions here
#just used for output
rn_var_inn = rn_var * self.nint_in * self.extraction_area
rn_var_out = rn_var * self.nint_out * self.extraction_area
#In the following the SN is changed to incorporate number of occultations
#i.e. multiply by sqrt(n)
sn_in = curves_inn['sn'][1]
sn_out = curves_out['sn'][1]
extracted_flux_inn = curves_inn['extracted_flux'][1]*on_source_in
extracted_noise_inn = curves_inn['extracted_flux'][1]/(sn_in)
extracted_flux_out = curves_out['extracted_flux'][1]*on_source_out
extracted_noise_out = curves_out['extracted_flux'][1]/(sn_out)
#units of this unconventional.. sigma/s
#because snr = extracted flux / extracted noise and
#extracted flux in units of electrons /s
varin = (extracted_noise_inn*on_source_in)**2.0
varout = (extracted_noise_out*on_source_out)**2.0
return {'photon_out_1d':extracted_flux_out, 'photon_in_1d':extracted_flux_inn,
'var_in_1d':varin, 'var_out_1d': varout,'on_source_in':self.on_source_in,
[docs] def run_f_minus_l(self):
"""Compute noise using first minus last formula
Uses 1d exracted products from pandeia to compute noise without
multiaccum noise formula from Rauscher 07. Includes readnoise
all optimally extracted 1d products for a single transit
inn = self.inn
curves_out = self.out['1d']
curves_inn = self.inn['1d']
#on source out versus in
on_source_in = self.on_source_in
on_source_out = self.on_source_out
#calculate rn
rn_var = self.rn**2.0
#1d rn = rn/pix * # of integrations * #pixs
rn_var_inn = rn_var * self.nint_in * self.extraction_area
rn_var_out = rn_var * self.nint_out * self.extraction_area
#extract fluxs
extracted_flux_inn = curves_inn['extracted_flux'][1] * on_source_in
extracted_flux_out = curves_out['extracted_flux'][1] * on_source_out
#background + contamination extracted
bkg_flux_inn = curves_inn['extracted_bg_only'][1] * on_source_in
bkg_flux_out = curves_out['extracted_bg_only'][1] * on_source_out
#total nois
varin = (extracted_flux_inn + bkg_flux_inn + rn_var_inn)
varout = (extracted_flux_out + bkg_flux_out + rn_var_out)
return {'photon_out_1d':extracted_flux_out, 'photon_in_1d':extracted_flux_inn,
'var_in_1d':varin, 'var_out_1d': varout,'on_source_in':self.on_source_in,
'on_source_out':self.on_source_out, 'rn[out,in]':[rn_var_out,rn_var_inn],
[docs] def run_phase_spec(self):
"""Computes time dependent noise for phase curves.
Computes noise for phase curve analysis instead of spectroscopy.
Using MULTIACCUM formula here but this could be changed in the future. Does not
return a spectra for each time element... On your own for that.
all optimally extracted 1d products
time = self.inn['time']
tint = self.exptime_per_int
curves_out = self.out['1d']
#don't input a ridiculously low res phase curve
new_t = np.arange(min(time), max(time), tint)
planet_phase = np.interp(new_t, time, self.inn['planet_phase'])
rn_var = 2.0*self.rn**2.0
#1d rn = rn/pix * # of integrations * #pixs
rn_var_out = rn_var * self.extraction_area # the initial output is always sampled by 1 integration
extracted_flux_out = sum(curves_out['extracted_flux'][1]) * tint
flux_time_out = extracted_flux_out+ np.zeros(len(new_t))
flux_time_in = flux_time_out*(1.0 + planet_phase)
bkg_flux_out = sum(curves_out['extracted_bg_only'][1]) * tint
varout = flux_time_out + bkg_flux_out + rn_var_out
varin = flux_time_in + bkg_flux_out + rn_var_out
return {'photon_out_1d':flux_time_out, 'photon_in_1d':flux_time_in,
'var_in_1d':varin, 'var_out_1d': varout, 'time':new_t,'on_source_in':'N/A',