Adding a Variable \(f_\text{sed}\)¶
In this tutorial you will:
Learn how to use variable \(f_\text{sed}\) in your calculation
Compare outputs of constant and variable \(f_\text{sed}\)
Citation for this methodology:
import warnings
from import output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import show, figure
from bokeh.palettes import Colorblind
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import astropy.units as u
import time
#here is pyeddy
import virga.justdoit as jdi
import virga.justplotit as jpi
Let us again load in a Hot Jupiter PT profile and run virga for constant \(f_\text{sed}=1\)
mieff_directory = "/data/virga/"
metallicity = 1 #atmospheric metallicity relative to Solar
mean_molecular_weight = 2.2 # atmospheric mean molecular weight
#set the run
a = jdi.Atmosphere(['MnS','Cr','MgSiO3','Fe'],
mmw = mean_molecular_weight)
#set the planet gravity
a.gravity(gravity=7.460, gravity_unit=u.Unit('m/(s**2)'))
#Get preset pt profile for testing
a.ptk(df = jdi.hot_jupiter())
#get full dictionary output
all_out = jdi.compute(a, as_dict=True, directory=mieff_directory)
Not doing sublayer as cloud deck at the bottom of pressure grid
Variable \(f_\text{sed}\) expression¶
We have derived an altitude-dependent expression for fsed, given by
\(f_\text{sed}(z) = \alpha\exp\left(\frac{z-z_*}{6\beta H_0}\right) + \epsilon\)
where \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) are free parameters, \(z_*\) is the altitude at which \(f_\text{sed}(z_*)=\alpha+\epsilon\) (default=top of atmosphere), \(H_0\) is the scale-height at the effective temperature of the planet and \(\epsilon\) is the minimum value of \(f_\text{sed}\) we wish to consider (default=1e-2).
Varying \(\alpha\) controls the value of \(f_\text{sed}\) at \(z_*\) (here the top of the atmosphere)
pressure = all_out['pressure']
z = all_out['altitude']
H = all_out['scale_height']
alpha = [1,10,20,100]; beta = [0.5]
fig = jpi.plot_fsed(pressure, z, H, alpha, beta)
Varying \(\beta\) controls the slope of \(f_\text{sed}\), or the rate of change of \(f_\text{sed}\).
alpha = [10]; beta = [0.25,0.5,1,5]
fig = jpi.plot_fsed(pressure, z, H, alpha, beta)
## Running code with variable \(f_\text{sed}\)
To run VIRGA with this variable \(f_\text{sed}\) expression, we must set the parameterization to “exp” and define fsed $ =:nbsphinx-math:alpha`$ and b $ =:nbsphinx-math:beta`$ in the Atmosphere class.
# define alpha and beta
alpha = 10 # generally choose alpha to be between 1 and 100
beta = 0.5 # generally choose beta to be between 0.1 and 5
#set the run
a = jdi.Atmosphere(['MnS','Cr','MgSiO3','Fe'],
mh=metallicity, mmw = mean_molecular_weight,
fsed=alpha, b=beta, param="exp")
#set the planet gravity
a.gravity(gravity=7.460, gravity_unit=u.Unit('m/(s**2)'))
#Get preset pt profile for testing
a.ptk(df = jdi.hot_jupiter())
#get full dictionary output
all_out_var = jdi.compute(a, as_dict=True, directory=mieff_directory)
Not doing sublayer as cloud deck at the bottom of pressure grid
We can also visualise the fsed used in the virga calculation using jpi.fsed_from_output
fig = jpi.fsed_from_output(all_out_var,['variable fsed'])
Additional flexibility¶
You can also change the default parameters \(z_*\), \(\epsilon\) and \(H_0\).
eps=1e-1; # this stops fsed being smaller than 1e-1
alpha_pressure=1e-4; # z_* will be set to the altitude at 1e-4 bars
Teff=2000; # scale-height H_0 will be defined at this temperature
# change alpha, beta, epsilon and parameterisation
a = jdi.Atmosphere(['MnS','Cr','MgSiO3','Fe'],
mh=metallicity, mmw = mean_molecular_weight,
fsed=alpha, b=beta, param='exp',
a.gravity(gravity=7.460, gravity_unit=u.Unit('m/(s**2)'))
# change alpha_pressure and Teff
a.ptk(df = jdi.hot_jupiter(), alpha_pressure=alpha_pressure, Teff=Teff)
Compare constant to variable \(f_\text{sed}\) calculations¶
# compare solvers
labels = ["constant", "variable"]
param = ['const', 'exp']
fsed = [1, 10] # fsed=1 for constant, alpha=10 for variable
beta = 0.5 # note b is irrelevant when param='const'
output = []
for i, p, fs in zip(range(2), param, fsed):
print(labels[i] + " fsed")
t1 = time.time()
a = jdi.Atmosphere(['MnS','Cr','MgSiO3','Fe'],
mh=metallicity, mmw = mean_molecular_weight,
fsed=fs, b=beta, param=p)
a.gravity(gravity=7.460, gravity_unit=u.Unit('m/(s**2)'))
a.ptk(df = jdi.hot_jupiter())
all_out = jdi.compute(a, as_dict=True, directory=mieff_directory)
t2 = time.time() - t1
print("time = %.2f seconds" % t2)
constant fsed
Not doing sublayer as cloud deck at the bottom of pressure grid
time = 3.30 seconds
variable fsed
Not doing sublayer as cloud deck at the bottom of pressure grid
time = 3.78 seconds
Introducing an altitude-dependent expression for \(f_\text{sed}\) does not have detrimental effects on the computational efficiency of VIRGA.
We can plot the mean mass mixing ratio of the condensates for each solver. We use a solid line for constant \(f_\text{sed}\) and a dashed line for the variable \(f_\text{sed}\).
fig = jpi.condensate_mmr(output, plot_height=400, plot_width=500,x_range=[1e-9,1e-2])
The comparison plot shows the results for all of the gases for both solvers. For a clearer comparison, you can choose which gas to view.
show(jpi.condensate_mmr(output, gas='Fe'))
We can similarly analyse the particle size distributions produced by the two solvers. Here we plot 1. the mean particle radius for each condensate with pressure 2. the particle distribution at a given pressure level (1e-3)
fig, dndr = jpi.radii(output,at_pressure=1e-3)
Again, you can choose which gas to view.
fig, dndr = jpi.radii(output,gas="MnS",at_pressure=1e-3)
show(jpi.opd_by_gas(output, gas="MgSiO3"))
Finally we can compare the cloud optical depth, single scattering and asymmetry parameters.
for i in range(len(output)):
print(labels[i] + " solver")
constant solver
variable solver
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