Installation ============ Python Version -------------- Python >= 3.8 Install with Git (recommended) ------------------------------ The Github repository contains the reference folder and helpful tutorials. .. code-block:: bash git clone cd picaso python install Install with Pip ---------------- .. code-block:: bash pip install picaso With a pip install you will need to download the `Reference Folder from Github `_ (explained below). This can simply be done by downloading a zip of the ``PICASO`` code from Github (which does not require git setup if that is not available to you). Download PICASO Reference Data ------------------------------ .. note:: `PICASO` 3.0 will not work with PICASO 2.3 reference folder. Please download the new reference folder if you are using PICASO 3.0 1) Download the `Reference Folder from Github `_. You should already this if you did a Git clone. **Make sure that your reference folder matches the version number of ``PICASO``**. Check the version number in the file ``reference/``. 2) Download a `Resampled Opacity File from Zenodo `_. Note that there are a few different versions. Any is acceptable depending on your resolution and wavelength needs. Put this db file in the `Opacities reference Folder you downloaded from Github `_. **You may need to rename it opacities.db and place into `reference/opacities` folder**. The file placed into reference/opacities will serve as your default file. You can point to other opacity files using justdoit.opannection. Create Environment Variable --------------------------- There are several ways to create environment variables. Below are the three most popular methods. You only need to choose one that works best for you. Method 1: ``bash_profile`` or ``zshrc`` file ```````````````````````````````````````````` As you might guess ``~/.bash_profile`` is used for the ``Bash`` command line shell. ``~/.zshrc`` is used for the ``Zsh`` command line shell. The steps below are identical. .. code-block:: bash vi ~/.bash_profile Add add this line: .. code-block:: bash export picaso_refdata="/path/to/picaso/reference/" Once you edit a bash profile file, you must source it. Alternatively you can open up a new terminal. .. code-block:: bash source ~/.bash_profile Now you can check that your variable has been defined properly: .. code-block:: bash echo $picaso_refdata /Users/nbatalh1/Documents/codes/PICASO/picaso/reference cd $picaso_refdata ls base_cases chemistry config.json evolution opacities Your opacities folder shown above should include the file ``opacities.db`` `file downloaded from zenodo `_. This is mostly a matter of preference, as PICASO allows you to point to an opacity directory. Personally, I like to store something with the reference data so that I don't have to constantly specify a folder path when running the code. Method 2: Add directly to python code ```````````````````````````````````````` Sometimes it is too troublesome to go through bash settings and you may prefer to set it directly in your python code. .. code-block:: python import os os.environ['picaso_refdata'] = 'your_path' #THIS MUST GO BEFORE YOUR IMPORT STATEMENT os.environ['PYSYN_CDBS'] = 'your_path' #this is for the stellar data discussed below. import picaso.justdoit as jdi Method 3: Add it to your conda enviornment ```````````````````````````````````````````` This is my method of choice! It involves creating conda environment specific variables. If you are interested in learning more about environment variables, you can `read more about them here `_ If you already an evironment setup, you can do the following -- which mimics the `bash_profile/method 1` example. .. code-block:: bash conda activate your_env_name cd $CONDA_PREFIX mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d mkdir -p ./etc/conda/deactivate.d touch ./etc/conda/activate.d/ touch ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/ The ```` file is similar to your ``bash_profile`` file. Therefore you can directly add your export statement there. .. code-block:: bash vi ./etc/conda/activate.d/ Now add the line: .. code-block:: bash export picaso_refdata="/path/to/picaso/reference/" Finally, you want to make sure that your environment variable is unset when you deactivate your environment. .. code-block:: bash vi ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/ .. code-block:: bash unset picaso_refdata Notice here that I do **not** have a tilda (~) in front of ``./etc``. The full path of the ```` should look something like this: .. code-block:: bash conda activate your_environment cd $CONDA_PREFIX cd ./etc/conda/activate.d/ pwd /Users/nbatalh1/.conda/envs/picaso/etc/conda/activate.d Download and Link Pysynphot Stellar Data ---------------------------------------- In order to get stellar spectra you will have to download the stellar spectra here from PySynphot: 1) PICASO uses the `Pysynphot package `_ which has several download options for stellar spectra. The Defulat for ``PICASO`` is Castelli-Kurucz Atlas: `ck04models `_. You can download them by doing this: .. code-block:: bash wget When you untar this you should get a directory structure that looks like this ``/grp/redcat/trds/grid/ck04models``. Some other people have reported a directory structure that looks like this ``/grp/hst/cdbs/grid/ck04models``. **The full directory structure does not matter**. Only the last portion ``grid/ck04models``. You will need to create an enviornment variable that points to where ``grid/`` is located. See below. 2) Create environment variable via bash .. code-block:: bash vi ~/.bash_profile Add add this line: .. code-block:: bash export PYSYN_CDBS="/grp/redcat/trds" Then always make sure to source your bash profile after you make changes. .. code-block:: bash source ~/.bash_profile Now you should be able to check the path: .. code-block:: bash cd $PYSYN_CDBS ls grid Where the folder ``grid/`` contains whatever ``pysynphot`` data files you have downloaded (e.g. a folder called ``ck04models/``). .. note:: 1. STScI serves these files in a few different places, with a few different file structures. **PySynphot only cares that the environment variable points to a path with a folder called `grid`. So do not worry if `grp/hst/cdbs` appears different.**